Prof. Barak Libai
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Appel, Gil, Barak Libai, Eitan Muller, and Ron Shachar (2020). "On the Monetization of Mobile Apps." International Journal of Research in Marketing,
Biyalagorsky, Eyal, Eitan Gerstner and Barak Libai (2001), "Customer Referral Management: Optimal Reward Programs," Marketing Science, 20(1), 82-95.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2001), “Talk of the Network: A Complex System Look at the Underlying Process of Word-of-Mouth,” Marketing Letters 12(3), 209-221.
Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Eitan Muller (2002). “Riding the Saddle: How Cross Market Communication Can Create a Major Slump in Sales,” Journal of Marketing, 66(2), 1-17.
John E. Hogan, Katherine N. Lemon and Barak Libai (2003). “What is the True Value of a Lost Customer”, Journal of Service Research, 5 (3), 196-208 .
Barak Libai Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2009), “The Diffusion of Services,” Journal of Marketing Research , 46 (1), 163-175
Barak Libai Eitan Muller and Renana Peres (2009), “The Effect of Within-Brand and Cross-Brand Communication on Competitive Growth,” Journal of Marketing, 73 (1), 19-34
Irit Nitzan and Barak Libai (2011), "Social Effects on Customer Retention," Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 24-38
Libai, Barak; Eitan Muller; and Renana Peres (2013), "Decomposing the Value of Word of Mouth Seeding Programs: Acceleration Vs. Expansion," Journal of Marketing Research, April, pp. 161-176.
Ostreicher-Singer, Gal, Barak Libai, Liron Sivan, Eyal Carmi and Ohad Yassin (2013), “The Network Value of Products” , Journal of Marketing, 77(3), pp.1-14.
Haenlein , Michael and Barak Libai (2017), “Seeding, Referral and Recommendation:Creating Profitable Word-of-Mouth Programs,” California Management Review, 59(2), pp.68-91
Appel, Gil Barak Libai & Eitan Muller (2018), "On the Monetary Impact of Fashion Design Piracy," International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Dost, Florian, Ulrike Phieler, Michael Haenlein and Barak Libai (2019) “Seeding as Part of the Marketing Mix: Word-of-Mouth Program Interactions for Fast Moving Consumer Goods,” Journal of Marketing.