Research and Teaching Expertise
Energy Policy
environmental policy
Prof. Yael Parag is the Vice Dean of Reichman University’s School of Sustainability. She holds a BSc degree in biology, and MA and PhD
degrees in social sciences - all from Tel Aviv University.
Between 2005 and 2011 she was a researcher in the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), at the University of Oxford, UK and a senior researcher at the Lower Carbon Future (energy group).
Her research focuses on energy consumer behavior, consumer integration into the smart energy grid via smart technologies, prosumer markets, demand flexibility, energy security, local and community governance of energy, public acceptance of energy generation technologies, microgrids, personal carbon trading and more. In addition, she is developing the Middle Out perspective and applies it as an analytical tool for understanding socio-techno-economic transitions.
Prof. Parag is the recipient of various international and national competitive research grants.
She is an editorial board member of the journals 'Energy Research and Social Science' and 'Renewable and Sustainable Reviews'.
Her research is published in leading academic journals and various international conferences
Check these:
1. I was interviewed to the BBC World podcast "People Fixing the World". Episode: How to make electricity for your neighbours. The energy microgrid that started with scrap metal and an old bicycle.
2. I was interviewed to the Economist Climate podcast "To a lesser degree". Episode: Best Behaviour. How much does personal action matter? And how should societies meet the challenge of lowering greenhouse gas emissions?
3. I was interviewed in Seeker video How Close Are We to a Zero-Emissions World? A 10 min video for Seeker, a digital media network dedicated to feeding young audience. Released for Earth Day 2019
Parag Yael (2018) A nuclear power plant for Israel – what does the public know and think? Ecology and Environment April (Hebrew).
Wade Joanne, Nick Eyre, Jo Hamilton and Yael Parag (2013) Local energy governance: communities and energy efficiency policy. ECEEE 2013 Summer Study – Rethink, Renew, Restart. Conference proceedings: 637-648.
Mayne Ruth, Jo Hamilton, Noam Bergman and Yael Parag (2013) Scaling up local energy action: the role of partnerships, networks and policy. ECEEE 2013 Summer Study – Rethink, Renew, Restart. Conference proceedings: 709-719.
Janda, Kathryn B. and Yael Parag (2013). Building expertise: a middle-out approach for reducing energy use. Building Research & Information 41(1). DOI 10.1080/09613218.2013.743396
Parag Yael, Stuart Capstick and Wouter Poortinga (2011) Attribute Framing: A Comparison between Three Policy Instruments for Personal Emissions Reduction. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 30, Issue 4.
Janda, Kathryn B. and Yael Parag (2011) A Middle-Out Approach for Improving Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings, Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society Conference proceedings (ECEEE), 1203-1212
Parag Yael and Deborah Strickland (2011) Personal Carbon Trading: A Radical Policy Option for Reducing Emissions from the Domestic Sector. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development Volume 53 Issue 1, 29
Parag Yael (2008) Who governs the air we breathe? Lessons from Israel’s Industrialist Covenant. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Vol. 10 (2), p.133.
Weinthal, E., Parag, Y., Vengosh, A., Muti, A. and Kloppmann, W. (2005) The EU Drinking Water Directive: The boron standard and scientific uncertainty. European Environment, 15(1): 1-12.
Book Review
Parag Yael (2010). Book review: Sandalow. D. B., (ed.). Plug in electric vehicles: What role for Washington? Transport Reviews 30(6):806
Book Chapters
Parag Yael and Tamar Opher (2011). Article on Bottled Water, for the Water and Health" section of the UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS).
Parag, Yael and Strickland, D. (2009) Personal Carbon Budgeting: What people need to know, learn and have in order to manage and live within a carbon budget, and the policies that could support them. UKERC Research Report, Demand Reduction Theme.
Parag Yael, Erika Weinthal and Avner Vengosh (2004) Implementing the Boron Standard in Drinking Water in the Mediterranean Region. Report Submitted to the European Union Fifth Framework Program.
Weinthal Erika, Yael Parag, Avner Vengosh, and Wolfram Kloppmann (2004) Methodological guide for decision support on remediation and sustainable management of boron contaminated groundwater. Report Submitted to the European Union Fifth Framework Program.
BBC World Podcast: People Fixing the World