Harry Radzyner Law School
G City Real Estate Institute
The G City Real Estate Institute (formerly the Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute) was established with the mission of serving as Israel’s central academic platform for the study and research of real estate.
Zvi Meitar Emerging Technologies Program
A new and innovative program providing exceptional students with a unique opportunity to examine the legal, ethical and social challenges of new technologies.
Arison School of Business
Rothschild Caesarea Center
For Capital Markets & Risk Management Headed by: Prof. Jacob Boudoukh
Data science Institute
The Data Science Institute serves as an innovative arm, bridging academic research, professional education and industry demands.
Faculty Seminar
The aim of these seminars is to encourage dialogue amongst the researchers community and to enrich the knowledge of the academic community. The seminar contributes to promoting the status of IDC as a leading innovative institution.
Fair Value Forum
The Fair Value Forum (FVF) was established to contribute to the quality of information in the capital market, and to generate a productive and professional discourse on issues pertaining to the capital market.
Efi Arazi School of Computer Science
Deepness Lab
Center for Cryptographic research
Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy
American Public Opinion toward Israel, APOI
APOI lab studying the relationship between the U.S. and the State of Israel with a specific focus on American public opinion and elite rhetoric and action.
Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT)
ICT is an academic research institute worldwide recognized. Established to develop innovative public-policy solutions to regional and international terrorism.
The Abba Eban Institute
for Diplomacy and Foreign Relations
The Institute for Liberty & Responsibility
POP-DM Program
An internationally-renowned research, teaching and training program. It houses the Behavioral Political Science (BPS) lab, the Applied Decision Analysis (ADA)
Center for Shared Israeliness
Computerized Decision Making Lab
Program on Democratic Resilience & Development
The program is an interdisciplinary research, educational, and policy platform dedicated to the understanding of free and responsible societies.
The International Working Group on Subterranean Warfare
The first international initiative bringing together experts to better understand subterranean threats.
Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology
The The Communication, Aging and Neuropsychology Lab (CANlab) aims to find new ways to improve the quality of life of older adults by targeting communication.
Our research group, led by Prof. Daniel A. Levy, focuses on understanding the core processes and brain systems that comprise human memory, learning, and attention.
SEL.IL Promoting Social-Emotional Learning in Israel
Center for Developmental Social Neuroscience
The center houses The Loralee West Laboratory for Brain Research and Human Development, directed by Simms- Mann Chair incumbent, Prof. Ruth Feldman.
Sagol Center for Brain and Mind
The Unit is a research group that aims to apply recent advances in neuroscience to the solution of practical challenges in a broad range of fields.
The ROCD Unit
The Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Research Unit specializes in the research and treatment of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and cognitions relating to intimate relationships.
Center for Mindfulness and Neuroscience
A center dedicated to increasing healthy and positive qualities of mind and promoting the well-being of both individuals and society.
Maytiv Center for Positive Psychology
The Center promotes evidence-based community interventions and develops programs for the practice of positive psychology.
Psychology of Decision Making Research Center
The Center develops psychological decision models and increase the availability of decision-research insights to academics, practitioners and organizations.
Power and Intergroup Relations Lab
The research conducted in the lab advances psychological understandings of issues related to discrimination and inequality between groups.
The Sexuality and Close Relationship lab
The lab conducts research that focuses on the contribution of the sexual system to relationship development, maintenance, and deterioration.
Ziama Arkin infancy Institute
For Hebrew website
LGBTQ+ Psychology Lab
leads diverse research which focuses on coping and adaptation processes of LGBTQ+ individuals
Technology and Mental Health Hub
The hub researches the positive impact technology can have on mental health.
Sammy Offer School of Communications
Media Innovation Lab (miLAB)
The Lab (miLAB) research and prototyping lab that explores the future of media, technology, and human-computer interaction.
Asper Institute for New Media Diplomacy
The institute study and application of new media technologies for use in diplomacy
Daniel Pearl International Journalism Institute
Elevates the quality of journalism in the Middle East
The Sport. Media and Society (SMS) Research Lab
Technology and Mental Health Hub
The hub researches the positive impact technology can have on mental health.
Empowering the Jewish Community with Personalized Curated Content
Tiomkin School of Economics
The Aaron Institute for Economic Policy
The vision of the Aaron Institute for Economic Policy in the Tiomkin School of Economics is to support sustainable economic growth, social resilience and poverty reduction, by designing a strategy and economic policies
Innovation Center
Innovation Center
The ever-accelerating technological revolution requires innovative academic frameworks to prepare students to confront the challenges of the 21st century. IDC is implementing a structural change.
Scojen Institute for Synthetic Biology
The center for statistical consulting
The Lab of Social Cognition and Psychophysiology
Teaching Innovation Unit - TIU