Herzliya Conference 2024

On the Path of Strategic Surprises



The 21st Herzliya Conference was held during one of the most complex and fateful periods in Israeli history. The conference discussions were based on an integrative and comprehensive perspective that examines long-range processes as well as the mutual impact


The conference was attended by Israeli and international government and defense officials, business leaders, academic experts, diplomats from the international community, and more.


About the Herzliya Conference


The Herzliya Conference organized by the Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), is Israel's foremost annual global policy gathering. The Summit is bringing together the highest-ranking Israeli and international participants in government, business, and the academia to address pressing national, regional, and global issues. The insights and recommendations from the conference sessions are presented to decision-makers in the various governmental systems, as well as to the public at large.


Traditionally officiated by the President of the State of Israel, the Conference has welcomed many notable participants from abroad, including presidents, prime ministers, and senior government officials, among them: Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair, Antony John Blinken, Nicolas Sarkozy, Condoleezza Rice, Henry Kissinger, Prince Hassan bin Tallal, Governor Mike Huckabee,  John C. Rood, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, served as the Minister of Defence of Germany; Adm. (ret.) Evangelos Apostolakis, served as Minister of National Defence of Greece; Marillyn A. Hewson, served as the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Lockheed Martin, and many others distinguished speakers.


Nearly 2,000 participants from Israel and abroad attend the conference each year, which also receives wide coverage in the media as well as on various social media platforms.


© The Institute for Policy and Strategy