The museum placed at the School of Communications is the first communications museum in Israel and consists of 150 communications devices and photographs from the early years of broadcasting and print.

Featured in the Collection

  • The first transmitter, built by Marconi, the inventor of radio (an identical transmitter was installed on the Titanic)
  • The first storage battery from the 19th century.
  • Military radio that broadcasted Morse code used in WWI.
  • Radio sets from the early days of the State of Israel.
  • One of the first radio transmitters, used by the Jewish underground ("Lechi") before the founding of the Jewish State.

The VIP Gallery

A unique and intimate meeting venue for lecturers and students in the center of the museum, the VIP Gallery is an ideal environment for special events with the highest attention to atmosphere, comfort, and utility and serves also as an important setting for academic programming and collaborative initiatives with local and international industry players for the purpose of addressing "real world" issues.


Aa a gallery of activity, it reflects the school's mission to serve as a forum for both theoretical and practical knowledge, influence the public agenda, and contribute to Israeli society.