Documenting the lives of others is an unexpected journey. Telling the stories of the silenced, of the underprivileged, uncovering those stories left untold or hidden, is more than merely an opportunity or an honor, it can be one’s life mission. Documentaries are moving, compelling, entertaining, and funny, equally if not more so, than fiction, as they are made from the fabric of ‘real’ life. In the 21st century, those who produce interesting and innovative content and stories have the potential to shape the agenda ‘de jour’.
Digital Influence & Perceptions Specialization
The Digital Influence & Perceptions (DIP) specialization prepares today’s students for jobs in tomorrow’s media industry. In a world flooded with fake news, multiple media platforms and interest group operations aiming to persuade audiences and forward specific agendas, the DIP specialization allows students to better understand the challenges and complexities that communication and technologies play in our daily lives as well as to develop innovative strategies and tools to deal with them.
Specialization Highlights
- Hands-on experience in the whole process of strategic communication, content creation and impact campaigns, alongside a wide understanding of the field.
- Practical skills in the most relevant field of influence, among them: storytelling and promoting messages, AI content creating, impact campaigns, and journalism.
- Creating a rich and diverse portfolio in different classes and workshops, with the guidance of leading mentors from the industry.
- Rich extracurricular activities – Hackathons, workshops and guest lecturers with leading professionals, to contribute to the students’ skills and networking.
Work in the industry in key positions
- Marketing and image strategy
- Content strategy & development in companies, organizations and media outlets
- Managing online communities
- Online Activism
- Political Media consulting
- Promoting agendas and interests in cross-sectoral areas
- Managing digital content
- Content analysis / strategy
- Producing content for digital platforms
- Producing content for television and documentaries
- Cross platform journalism
- Storytelling
Graduates in the Industry
3rd Year DIP Projects
During their third year, the students specialize in the Influence Lab. Under the close guidance of senior mentors from the industry, the students apply the tools they have acquired, and gain practical experience working on their final project over the course of one year.
There are three projects students can choose from:
Content Creation: Research, Produce & Measure
Impact: From # Hashtag to Social Movements
Engaging audiences via strategic communication, to promote agendas and goals. In recent years, the ability of social networks to influence our lives and shape perceptions in diverse fields has been repeatedly seen. As part of the annual Impact Project, students will initiate, build, and manage an extensive online campaign, promoting a social cause, based on the knowledge and skills they had acquired in the different specialization classes and workshops.
Investigative Journalism
The yearlong workshop, focusing on Investigative Journalism, builds on your knowledge acquired during the basic 1st and 2nd year courses. The workshop exposes students to the fascinating world of journalism in the digital era. It offers the students a unique opportunity to learn from and work with leading professionals in the journalism field and produce high-end investigative projects. The workshop targets students who wish to acquire a deep understanding and practical experience of in-depth investigative journalism.
3rd year DIP Projects Examples
Companies that we have worked with :
What Will You Study?
Ms. Sigalit Maor Hirsh
The issue of influence and especially influence operations has become a top priority for countries and organizations in recent years, as it poses a true challenge in the current digital reality. A series of attacks and threats on political institutions, corporations, and financial institutions around the world has further emphasized the important of the issue. During the Influence and perceptions class , we will focus on acquiring the needed knowledge in the field of influence and perceptions while presenting different tools to cope with this new reality. The class is designed to expand the students ' knowledge regarding the cyber world, strategic communications , psychological warfare, and influence operations. We will review current opportunities and trends in the field, alongside and in-depth understanding of the risks and threats, while obtaining tools that will help deal with influence operations and disinformation. We will examine the coping methods of various organizations, the typology of attackers, common types of attacks, case analysis, and best practices. Some of the topics we will discuss include: cyber warfare and influence operations, governments and civil society defense decision-making processes dor risks associated with influence operations. The students will also be provided with practical "Open Source Intelligence" and "Social Media Intelligence" collection and analytic tools.
Dr. Galit Marmor - Lavie
#Left Swipe Dat..
Have you ever heard of one or more of these social movements or campaigns? How come? Why are they so prevalent in our society ?What is the role of communication in creating such a successful campaign? What are some of the strategies and tools being used in this context? Should they be challenged?
This class will provide insights of how these campaigns work while understanding the psychology behind shifting consciousness in our society. Such knowledge is particularly relevant in a post Covid era, as our world still morphing and our dire need to communicate sincerely and consciously, at all levels, is brought immensely to the surface.
Both theoretical and practical approaches ill be applied as we examine exciting campaigns from all walks of life.
Ms. Michal Marmary Doron
Mandatory Workshop
We live in an era in which we are exposed to bombardment of information in various fields, social, political, military, and public. The information the audience is exposed to carries within in the interests and agendas of specific individuals, organizations or political parties. it is, therefore, more important than ever to also know how to advance ideas or organizations that work for the greater social good.
In the Strategic Communication: from Creation to Impact Workshop, students will learn how to lead and create a credible and relevant content strategy, with emphasis on creating and producing visual messages that currently makeup over 80 percent of online traffic. The work process will be based on building goals and objectives, identifying and understanding the target audiences, platforms, and the right way to build a digital campaign to create impact organically. We all love consuming videos online. It excite us, makes us laugh, and affects us. Likes, shares, and comments on Social Networks create a sense of satisfaction, visibility, and sometimes excitement. But only a clear goal and built-in plan that will create value for users/customers/consumers in a systematic way- will bring about the desired change and lead to the desired results in the field. Raising awareness, recruiting support, recruiting employees, raising funds, information about a new service/product for a particular community, and more. AS part of the workshop, students will use the tools learned to produce a digital campaign for nonprofit organizations.
Mr. Sharon Karp; Mr. Dovev Shoshan
Elective Workshop
Video content has become central in people's lives, with many owning multiple screens (mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc). AS such, the ability to build, acquire, and utilize an understanding of the video production process is significant. Cinematography and video editing are languages used to convey messages and ideas that aim to reach various audiences, stimulate, and influence them.
This workshop is designed to provide students with the required professional skills of visual content creation in various genres. Throughout the workshop, students will learn the various production roles both in front of and behind the camera as well as advance their editing skills whilst using Adobe Premier Software (the professional software used in the industry today)
Final Projects
For the entire list of courses please refer to the Student Handbook
The specialization is not indicated on the Diploma, but in an accompanying appendix.
*Students are also required to take general electives and may take electives from other programs at Reichman University.
**Reichman University reserves the right to cancel, alter, or expand the academic programs and courses offered.