בית ספר הארי רדזינר למשפטים
D.Phil., Oxford University
Lior Barshack is a Professor of social and legal theory at Reichman University. His research interests include political theology, constitutional theory and the relations between the state and the arts. He is currently working on law and film, and on political aspects of architectural conservation, among other projects. Lior Barshack has studied at Oxford University and did postdoctoral research at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris) and Columbia University. He has been recently visiting professor at Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin) and Birkbeck College, London -
Lior Barshack, The Totemic Authority of the Court, 11 Law and Critique 301 (2000).
Lior Barshack, Passions and Convictions in Matters Political: Explorations in Moral Psychology, University Press of America., 2000.
Lior Barshack, The Subject of Ideals, 4 Cultural Values 77 (2000).
ליאור ברשק "בית המשפט והדת האזרחית" המשפט ה, 35 (2000)
Lior Barshack, Notes on the Clerical Body of the Law, 24 Cardozo L. Rev. 1151 (2003).
Lior Barshack, Time and the Constitution, 7 Int'l J. Const. L. 553 (2009).
Lior Barshack, The Constituent Power of Architecture, 7 Law, Culture and the Humanities 217 (2010).