Hakim, A., Klorfeld, S., Sela, T., Friedman, D., Shabat-Simon, M., & Levy, D. J. (2021). Machines learn neuromarketing: Improving preference prediction from self-reports using multiple EEG measures and machine learning. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38(3), 770-791.
Hasler, B. S., H. Landau, D., Hasson, Y., Schori-Eyal, N., Giron, J., Levy, J., ... & Friedman, D. (2021). Virtual reality-based conflict resolution: The impact of immersive 360° video on changing view points and moral judgment in the context of violent intergroup conflict. New Media & Society, 23(8), 2255-2278.
Yizhar, O., Buchs, G., Heimler, B., Friedman, D., & Amedi, A. (2021). Applying a novel visual-to-touch sensory substitution for studying tactile reference frames. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 10636.
Friedman, D., & Pollak, D. (2021). Image Co-Creation by Non-Programmers and Generative Adversarial Networks. In IUI Workshops.
Friedman, book review of Brain
art: Brain-computer interfaces for artistic expression, A. Nijholt (ed), review
in Brain Computer Interfaces, 2020.
O. Sadka, J. Giron, D. Friedman, O. Zuckerman and H. Erel.
Virtual-reality as a Simulation Tool for Non-humanoid Social Robots. In Extended
Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp.
1-9). Online, April 2020.
D. Landau, B. Hasler, D. Friedman, Virtual Embodiment using 180º
Stereoscopic Video, Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1229, 2020.
B. S. Hasler, D. Landau, Y. Hasson, N.
Schori-Eyal, J. Giron, J. Levy, E. Halperin, and D. Friedman, Virtual
Reality-based Conflict Resolution: The Impact of Immersive 360° Video on
Changing View Points and Moral Judgment in the Context of Violent Intergroup
Conflict, New Media & Society, accepted, 2020.
Y. Hasson, N. Schori-Eyal, D. Landau, B. S. Hasler,
J. Levy, D. Friedman, and E. Halperin, The enemy's gaze: Immersive
virtual environments enhance peace promoting attitudes and emotions in violent
intergroup conflicts. PloS one, 4(9), 2019.
Y. R. Chen, G. E. Birnbaum, J. Giron, and D. Friedman. Individuals
in a Romantic Relationship Express Guilt and Devaluate Attractive Alternatives
after Flirting with a Virtual Bartender. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 62-64).
ACM. Paris, July 2019.
D. Friedman and C. Kotzen. Immersive journalism: The new narrative. in Robot
Journalism: Can Human Journalism Survive?, World Scientific, pp. 79-92,
Berkers, J. Giron and D. Friedman. Algorithmic Induction of Physiological State: First Steps, LLARLA Workshop in IJCAI/ICML, Stockholm,
Sweden, July 2018.
O. Cohen, M. Koppel, R. Malach, D. Friedman,
A General Purpose Machine-Learning Tool for Real-Time
fMRI Whole-Brain Pattern Classification, to appear in Proc. IJCNN, Rio, Brazil, July, 2018.
O. Tal, D.
Friedman, Using Recurrent Neural Networks for P300-Based Brain-Computer
Interface, 7th Graz BCI Int'l Conf, Graz,
Austria, September, 2017.
O. Cohen, D. Doron, M. Koppel, R. Malach, D.
Friedman, High
performance in brain-computer interface control of an avatar using the missing hand
representation in long term amputees, Proc. 8th
Intl IEEE EMBS Conf Neural Eng, 403-406, Shanghai,
China, May 2017.
O. Cohen,
F. Keith, M. Koppel, A. Kheddar, R. Malach, D. Friedman, Real-time fMRI
Control of a Humanoid Robot using Two Brain Networks: A Pilot Study, 7th
Graz BCI Int'l Conf, Graz, Austria, September, 2017.
D. Friedman, A. M. Brouwer, A. Nijholt. BCIforReal: An application-Oriented Approach
to BCI Out of the Laboratory. In Proc.
22nd Int'l Conf. Intelligent User Interfaces Companion (IUI '17 Companion). 5-7. Limassol, Cyprus, March, 2017.
S. Kishore, X.
Navarro Muncunill, P. Bourdin, K. Or-Berkers, D. Friedman, M. Slater, Multi-Destination Beaming:
Apparently Being in Three Places at Once Through Robotic and Virtual Embodiment,
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 3(65), 2016.
M. Ramot, S. Grossman, D. Friedman, R. Malach,
Covert NeuroFeedback without awareness shapes cortical network spontaneous
connectivity, Proc National Academy of Sciences, 201516857,
Friedman, Brain-computer interface control of virtual
reality, Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies,
Ryohei Nakatsu, Matthias Rauterberg and Paolo Ciancarini (eds), Springer, 2015.
Friedman, B. Hasler, The Beaming proxy: Towards virtual
clones for communication, in Human Computer Confluence: Advancing our
Understanding of the Emerging Symbiotic Relation between Humans and Computing
Devices, Versita, 2015.
Pizarro, K. Berkers, M. Slater, D. Friedman, How to time travel in
highly immersive virtual reality, Proc. ICAT-EGVE, 117-124, Kyoto,
Japan, Septemeber, 2015.
Friedman, S. Shapira, L. Jacobson, M. Gruberger, A data-driven validation of
EEG frontal asymmetry using a consumer device, 4th International
Workshop on Affective Brain Computer Interfaces, Xian, China, August, 2015.
T. Harmelech, D.
Friedman, and R. Malach, Differential magnetic resonance neurofeedback
modulations across extrinsic (visual) and intrinsic (default-mode) nodes of the
human cortex, The Journal of
Neuroscience, 35(6),
2588-2595, 2015.
Cohen, M. Ramot, R. Malach, M. Koppel, D. Friedman, A generic machine
learning tool for whole brain classification from fMRI, Proc' 6th
Int'l BCI Conf, Graz, Austria, September,
B. Hasler, T. Shani, G.
Hirschberger, D. Friedman, Virtual peacemakers: Mimicry increases empathy
in simulated contact with virtual outgroup members, Cyberpsychology,
Behavior, and Social Networking, 17.12, 766-771, 2014.
Amichai-Hamburger, A. Klome Brunstein, D. Friedman, O. Zuckerman, T.
Shani, The future of online therapy, Computers in Human Behavior, 41,
288-294, 2014.
D. Friedman, R.
Pizarro, K. Or-Berkers, S. Neyret, X. Pan a M.
A method for generating an illusion of backwards time travel using immersive virtual
reality - An exploratory study, Front.
Psychol. | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00943,
O. Cohen, S. Druon, S.
Lengagne, A. Mendelsohn, R. Malach, A. Kheddar, D. Friedman, fMRI-based robotic
embodiment: Controlling a humanoid
robot by thought using real-time fMRI, Presence:
Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 23(3): 229-241, 2014.
J. Giron, and D. Friedman. Eureka: Realizing That an Application
is Responding to Your Brainwaves. Universal Access in Human-Computer
Interaction. Design and Development Methods for Universal Access. Springer
International Publishing, 495-502. 2014
O. Cohen, M. Koppel, R. Malach, D. Friedman, Controlling an Avatar by Thought using real-time fMRI, J. of Neural Engineering, 11, 035006, 2014.
D. Friedman, O. Salomon, B. Hasler, Virtual substitute teacher: Introducing the concept of the classroom proxy, Proceedings of the 3rd European Immersive Education Summit (iED), pages 186-197, London, UK, November 2013
B. Hasler, O. Salomon, P. Tuchman, A. Lev-Tov, D. Friedman, Real-time Gesture Translation in Intercultural Communication, accepted to Artificial Intelligence & Society, 2013.
B. Hasler, P. Tuchman, and D. Friedman, Virtual Research Assistants: Replacing Human Interviewers by Automated Avatars in Virtual Worlds, Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1608-1616, 2013
O. Cohen, S. Druon, S. Lengagne, A. Mendelsohn, R. Malach, A. Kheddar, D. Friedman, fMRI-based robotic embodiment: A pilot study, IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, June 24-27, Roma, Italy. 2012
Y. Karniel, A. Lavie Dinur, D. Friedman, Global Warming on Second Life: The Public Sphere and Free Discussion in Collaborative Virtual Environments, in Media in the Swirl, R. D. Dhar, P. Rana, Eds, pp. 65-77, Pentagon Press, 2012
A. Lavie-Dinur, Y. Karniel, and D. Friedman, Global warming on Second Life: The public sphere and free discussion in collaborative virtual environments. International journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 3.pp. 61-78, 2012
A. Steed, W. Steptoe, W. Oyekoya, F. Pece, T. Weyrich, J. Kautz, D. Friedman, A. Peer, M. Buss, M. Solazzi, F. Tecchia, M. Bergamasco, A. Frisoli, M. Sanchez-Vives, M. Reiner, G. Ruffini, M. Harder, G. Székely, B. Cohen, D. Hammershøi, M. Slater, Beaming: An asymmetric telepresence system, to appear in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2012
B. S. Hasler and D. Friedman, Sociocultural conventions in avatar-mediated nonverbal communication: A cross-cultural analysis of virtual proxemics. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (special issue on Intercultural New Media Research), 41(3), 239-260, 2012
D. Friedman, P. Tuchman. Virtual clones: Data-driven social navigation.Paper to be presented in: proc. of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Iceland, 2011.
B. Hasler and D. Friedman . Spatial behavior in virtual worlds: Two field studies on inter-avatar distance. Paper presented at the 2011 Conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA, USA, 2011.
N. de la Peña, P. Weil, J. Llobera, E. Giannopoulos, A. Pomés, B. Spanlang, D. Friedman, M. V. Sanchez-Vives and M. Slater. Immersive Journalism: Immersive Virtual Reality for the First Person Experience of News, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Vol 19, No.4, pp 291-301, 2010.
D. Friedman, R. Leeb, G. Pfurtscheller, M. Slater. Human-Computer interface issues in controlling virtual reality with brain-computer interface, Human-Computer Interface (HCI) Journal, vol. 25, pp 67-93, 2010.
D. Friedman. Virtual embodied intelligence: Following the embodied-intelligence approach in online virtual worlds, abstract in: Frontiers in Neuroscience, special issue from the Body Representation in Physical and Virtual Reality with Applications to Rehabilitation, Ascona, Switzerland, Sep. 2010.
D. Friedman, A. Donenfeld, E. Zafran. Neurophysiology-based art in immersive virtual reality, Int'l J. of Arts and Technology, Vol 2, No. 4, pp 331-347, 2009.
D. Friedman, Y. Karniel, A. Lavie-Dinur. Comparing group discussion in virtual and physical environments, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp 286-293, 2009.
R. Leeb, D. Friedman, G. Muller-Putz, R. Scherer, M. Slater, and G. Pfurtscheller. Self-paced (asynchronous) BCI control of a wheelchair in Virtual Environments: A case study with a tetraplegic, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience: special issue - Brain-Computer Interfaces: Towards Practical Implementations and Potential Applications, doi:10.1155/2007/79642, 2007.
G. Pfurtscheller , R. Leeb, D. Friedman, and M. Slater. Centrally controlled heart rate changes during mental practice in immersive virtual environment: A case study with a tetraplegic, Intl. J. of Psychophysiology, Vol. 68, No, 1, pp 1-5, 2007.
D. Friedman, A. Steed, and M. Slater. Spatial social behavior in Second Life, in: Proc. Intelligent Virtual Agents LNAI 4722, Pelachaud et al. (eds), Paris, France, pp 252—263 ,2007. (short-listed for best paper award).
C. Guger, R. Leeb, D. Friedman, V. Vinayagamoorthy, A. Antley, G. Edlinger, and M. Slater. Controlling virtual environments by thought, Proc. HCI Int'l 2007 (LNCS), Beijing, China, 2007.
D. Friedman, K. Suji, M. Slater. SuperDreamCity: An immersive virtual reality experience that responds to electrodermal activity, in: Proc. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction LNCS 4738, Paiva, Prada, and Picard (eds.), Lisbon, Portugal, pp 570-581, 2007.
R. Leeb, R. Scherer, D. Friedman, F. Lee, C. Keinrath, H. Bischof, M. Slater, and G. Pfurtscheller. Combining BCI and Virtual Reality: Scouting Virtual Worlds, in: Towards Brain-Computer Interfacing, G. Dornhege, R. Millan Jdel, T. Hinterberger, D. J. McFarland, and K. R. Müller, pp 393-407, MIT Press, 2007.
D. Friedman, A. Steed, M. Slater. Research Bots in Second Life, Workshop on Simulation and Second Life, in: Second Life, 2007.
D. Friedman, Y. Feldman. Automated Cinematic Reasoning About Camera Behavior, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp 694-704, 2006.
D. Friedman and M. Gillies. Teaching characters how to use body language using reinforcement learning, T. Panayiotopoulos et al. (Eds.): Intelligent Virtual Agents 2005, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS 3661, pp 205–214, 2005.
R. I. Brafman, D. Friedman. Adaptive Rich Media Presentations via Preference-Based Constrained Optimization, IJCAI Workshop on Advances in Preferences Handling (IJCAI’05), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005.
D. Friedman, Y. Feldman, A. Shamir, T. Dagan. Automated creation of movie summaries in interactive virtual environments. In Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2004, Chicago, IL, pp 191-198, 2004.
D. Friedman, Y. Feldman. Knowledge-based cinematography and its applications. In Proc. ECAI 2004, Valencia, Spain, pp. 256-260, 2004.
D. Friedman. Automating Spielberg. EVA 2003 London JML Symposium, 2003.
D. Friedman, Y. Feldman. Knowledge-Based Formalization of Cinematic Expression and its Application to Animation. In Proc. EUROGRAPHICS , Saarbrucken, Germany, pp 163-168, 2002.
Y. Feldman, D. Friedman. Portability by automatic translation: A large-scale case study, Artificial Intelligence, Vol.107, No. 1, pp 123-130, 1999.