פרופ' ורדה ליברמן
משנה לנשיא לעניינים אקדמיים וראש תוכנית MBA In Healthcare Innovation
אתר זה משתמש בקבצי Cookies לשיפור חווית הגלישה. המשך השימוש באתר או סגירת ההודעה מהווים הסכמה לתנאי השימוש.
Xמשנה לנשיא לעניינים אקדמיים וראש תוכנית MBA In Healthcare Innovation
The Objectivity Illusion in Responses to Perceived Dissimilarity in Political Views and Sentiments. Liberman, V., Kahn, D.T., & Ross, L. Working paper
If They Can’t Change, Then Why Support Change? Implicit Theories About Groups, Social Dominance Orientation and Political Ideology. (2018). Kahn, T. D., Reifen Tagar, M., Helperin, E., Bäckström, M., Vitriol, J., & Liberman, V. (2018). Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 6(1), 151–173.
Intergroup Sentiments, Political Identity, and their Influence on Responses to Potentially Ameliorative Proposals in the Context of an Intractable Conflict. Journal of Conflict Rsolution (JCR). Kahn, T. D., Liberman, V., Halperin, E., & Roass, L. 60 (1), 61-88
Two to tango: Effects of Collaboration and Disagreement on Dyadic Judgment. (2011). Minson, J., Liberman, V., & Ross, L. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 37(10), 1325 - 1338.
Predicting civil jury verdicts: How attorneys use (and misuse) a second opinion. (2011). Jacobson, J., Dobbs, J. M., Liberman, V., & Minson, J. The Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 8, 99 - 119.
Affirmation, Acknowledgment of Ingroup Responsibility, Group-Based Guilt, and Support for Reparative Measures. (2011). Čehajić, S., Effron, D., Halperin, E., Liberman, V., & Ross, L. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(2),256 - 270.
Local Confidence vs. Global Confidence
Working Paper: BUSINESS-2003-2, 2002.
Liberman, Varda.
Biased and unbiased self-other comparison: The physical appearance “exception”
Working Paper: BUSINESS-2003-3, 1999.
Liberman, Varda and Koehler, Derek J and Ross, Lee.
Overconfidence in probability and frequency judgments: A critical examination
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 65, Num. 3, pp: 212 - 219, 1996.
Liberman, Varda and Brenner, Lyle A and Koehler, Derek J and Tversky, Amos.
Critical Thinking: Statistical reasoning and Intuitive Judgment
The Open University, 1996.
Liberman, Varda and Tversky, Amos.
Confidence and accuracy in trait inference: Judgment by similarity
Acta Psychologica, Vol. 92, pp: 33 - 57, 1996.
Liberman, Varda and Koehler, Derek J and Brenner, Lyle A and Tversky, Amos.
Probability Judgment in Medicine: Discounting Unspecified Possibilities
Medical Decision Making, 1995.
Liberman, Varda and Redelmeier, Donald MD and Koehler, Derek J and Tversky, Amos.
On the evaluation of Probability judgments: Calibration, resolution and monotonicity
Psychological Bulletin , Vol. 114, pp: 162 - 173, 1993.
Liberman, Varda and Tversky, Amos.
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שרשרת כשלים, העדר שקיפות והנחיות סותרות: כל הדרך לכאוס של גל הקורונה השני