מישל סלואן הינה פרופסור מן המניין בביה"ס לפסיכולוגיה על שם ברוך איבצ'ר, אוניברסיטת רייכמן, ישראל.
תחומי העניין המחקריים שלה כוללים טראומה ותגובות פוסט-טראומטיות, עמידות וקידומה באמצעות התערבויות קליניות, טיפול אישי וקבוצתי לחשיפה לטראומה, וסוגיות רב-תרבותיות הקשורות לטראומה ולטיפול.
שימשה בעברה כפרופסור מן המניין באוניברסיטת תל אביב החל מ-2008, לאחר שב1994 השלימה את לימודי הדוקטורט בפסיכולוגיה באוניברסיטת תל אביב. כיום מנהלת את המעבדה לחקר טראומה ועמידות, ובעבר הייתה ראשת המגמה הקלינית של הילד בבית הספר למדעי הפסיכולוגיה באוניברסיטת תל אביב.
1. Beit-Marom, R., Novick, R. and Slone, M. (1987). Enhancing
children’s thinking skills: An instructional method for
decisionmaking under certainty. Instructional Science, 16, 215-231.
2. Slone, M., Tredoux, C. and Bokhorst, F.D. (1990). The
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3. Slone, M. and Bokhorst, F.D. (1994). Children’s understanding of
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4. Slone, M., Dixon, J.A. and Bokhurst, F.D. (1994). Physical
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5. Slone, M. Tredoux, C. and Bokhurst, F.D. (1996). Decalage effects
for heating and cooling: A cross-cultural study. Journal of CrossCultural Psychology, 27(1), 51-66.
6. Slone, M., Durrheim, K. and Kaminer, D. (1997). Attention Deficit
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7. Lobel, T.E., Slone, M. and Winch, G. (1997). Masculinity,
popularity and self-esteem among Israeli preadolescent girls. Sex
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Michelle Slone, PhD CV January 2023
8. Slone, M., Durrheim, K., Lachman, P. & Kaminer, D. (1998).
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9. Slone, M., Adiri, M. & Arian, A. (1998). Adverse political events
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10.Slone, M. & Hallis, D. (1999). The impact of political life events on
children’s psychological adjustment. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 12,
11.Slone, M., Durrheim, K., Kaminer, D. & Lachman, P. (1999). Issues
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12.Slone, M., Lobel, T. & Gilat, I. (1999). Dimensions of the political
environment affecting children’s mental health: An Israeli study.
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 43(1), 78-91.
13.Hallis, D. & Slone, M. (1999). Coping strategies and locus of control
as mediating variables in the relation between exposure to political
life events and psychological adjustment. International Journal of
Stress Management, 6 (2), 105-123.
14.Roth, D., Slone, M. & Dar, R. (2000). Which way cognitive
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15.Slone, M., Hallis, D. & Tarrasch, R. (2000). Ethnic stereotypes
among Israeli schoolchildren: Two intervention programs. MerrillPalmer Quarterly, 46(2), 370-389.
16.Slone, M. (2000). Responses to media coverage of terrorism.
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44(4), 508-522.
Michelle Slone, PhD CV January 2023
17.Slone, M., Kaminer, D. & Durrheim, K. (2000). The contribution of
political life events to psychological distress among South African
adolescents. Political Psychology, 21(3), 465-487.
18.Lobel, T.E., Slone, M. Ashuach, Y., & Revach, I. (2001). Division
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19.Slone, M., Kaminer, D. & Durrheim, K. (2002). Appraisal of
sociopolitical change among South African youth: The relation to
psychopathology. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(2), 318-
20.Slone, M. (2003). The Nazareth riots: Arab and Jewish Israeli
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21.Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2006). Evaluation of preparatory
measures for coping with anxiety raised by media coverage of
terrorism. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(4), 535-542.
22.Shechner, T., Slone, M., & Bialik, G. (2007). Does political
ideology moderate stress: The special case of soldiers conducting
forced evacuation. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(2), 189-
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23.Shoshani, A. & Slone, M. (2008). Efficacy of clinical interventions
for indirect exposure to terrorism. International Journal of Stress
Management, 15(1), 53-75.
24.Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2008). Efficacy of a school-based
primary prevention program for coping with exposure to political
violence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 32(4),
25.Slone, M., Shoshani, A., & Baumgarten – Katz, I. (2008). Exposure
to political violence and coping with anxiety raised by media
coverage of terrorism. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 21(3), 243 -261.
Michelle Slone, PhD CV January 2023
26.Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2008). The drama of media coverage of
terrorism: Emotional and attitudinal impact on the audience. Studies
in Conflict and Terrorism, 31(7), 627-640.
27.Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2008). Indirect victimization from
terrorism: A proposed post-exposure intervention. Journal of Mental
Health Counseling, 30(3), 255-266.
28.Heine, C. & Slone, M. (2008). The impact of mild central auditory
processing disorder on school performance during adolescence.
Journal of School Health, 78(7), 405-407.
29.Slone, M. & Shechner, T. (2009). Psychiatric consequences for
Israeli adolescents of protracted political violence: 1998 – 2004.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50(3), 280-289.
30. Slone, M., Shoshani, A., & Paltieli, T. (2009). Psychological
consequences of forced evacuation on children: risk and protective
factors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22(4), 340-343.
31.Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2010). Prevention rather than cure?
Primary or secondary intervention for dealing with media exposure
to terrorism. Journal of Counseling and Development, 88(4), 440 -
32.Shechner, T., Slone, M., Meir, Y., & Kalish, Y. (2010). Relations
between social support and psychological and parental distress for
lesbian, single heterosexual by choice, and two-parent heterosexual
mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(3), 283 – 292.
33.Lavi, I. & Slone M. (2011). Resilience and political violence:
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among Jewish and Arab. Youth and Society, 43(3), 845 - 872.
34.Slone, M. & Shechner, T. (2011). Adolescents exposed to 7 years of
political violence: Differential relations between exposure and its
impact for Jewish and Arab Israeli youth. Child Indicators Research,
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35.Wolmer, L., Hamiel, D., Barchas, J. D., Slone, M., & Laor, N.
(2011)). Teacher-delivered resilience-focused intervention in schools
with traumatized children following the Second Lebanon War.
Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(3), 309 – 316.
36.Slone, M., Shechner, T., & Khoury Farah, O. (2012). Parenting style
as a moderator of effects of political violence: Cross-cultural
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of Behavioral Development, 36(1), 62 -70.
37.Meir, Y., Slone, M., & Lavi, I. (2012). Children of illegal migrant
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38.Meir, Y., Slone, M., Levis, M., Reina, L., & Livni-Bendori, Y.,
(2012). Crisis intervention with children of illegal migrant workers
threatened with deportation. Professional Psychology; Research and
Practice, 443(4), 298 - 305.
39.Lavi, I. & Slone, M. (2012). Parental practices and political
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Orthopsychiatry, 82(4), 550-561.
40.Wolmer, L., Hamiel, D., Slone, M., Faians, M., Picker, M., Adiv, T.,
& Laor, N. (2013). Post-traumatic reaction of Israeli Jewish and
Arab children exposed to rocket attacks before and after teacherdelivered intervention. Israel Journal of Psychiatry & Related
Sciences, 50(3), 165-172.
41.Shoshani, A. & Slone, M. (2013). Middle school transition from the
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subjective well-being, and school adjustment. Journal of Happiness
Studies, 14(4), 1163-1181.
42.Shechner, T., Slone, M., Lobel, T., & Shechter, R. (2013) Children’s
adjustment in non-traditional families in Israel: The effect of parental
sexual orientation and the number of parents on children’s
development Child: Care, Health and Development, 39(2), 178-184.
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43.Slone, M., Meir, Y., & Tarrasch, R. (2013). Individual differences in
referral for help for severe emotional difficulties in adolescence.
Children and Youth Services Review, 35(1), 1854- 1861.
44.Slone, M., Shoshani, A., & Lobel, T. (2013). Helping youth
immediately after war exposure: A quasi-randomized controlled trial
of a school-based intervention program. Journal of Primary
Prevention, 34(5), 293-307.
45.Slone, M. & Roziner, I. (2013). Does self-complexity moderate
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46.Meir, Y., Slone, M., & Levis, M. (2014). A randomized controlled
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47.Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2014). Psychiatric effects of protracted
conflict and Political Life Events exposure among adolescents in
Israel: 1998-2011. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27(3), 353-360.
48.Wolmer, L., Hamiel, D., Versano, T., Slone, M., & Margalit, N.
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49.Slone, M. & Mayer, Y. (2015) Gender differences in mental health
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50.Shoshani, A. & Slone, M. (2016). The resilience function of
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51.Slone, M. & Mann, S. (2016). Effects of war, terrorism and armed
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52.Slone, M., Shur, L., & Gilady, A. (2016). Youth exposed to
terrorism: The moderating role of ideology. Current Psychiatry
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53.Shoshani, A. & Slone, M. (2016). Through the looking glass: The
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the media. Frontiers in Psychology, (7). Article 1911.
54.Heine, C., Slone, M., & Wilson, W. (2016). Educators as referrers
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55.Shoshani, A., & Slone, M. (2017). Positive education for young
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children on subjective well-being and learning behaviors. Frontiers
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56.Wolmer, L.,Hamiel, Margalit, N., Versano-Eisman, T., Findler, Y.,
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57.Slone, M. & Shoshani, A. (2017). Children affected by war and
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58.Slone, M., Lavi, I., Ozer, E, & Pollack, A. (2017). The IsraeliPalestinian conflict: Meta-analysis of exposure and outcome
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59.Heine, C., & Slone, M. (2019). Case studies of adults with central
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60.Toren, P., Goldstein, G., Ben-Amitay, G., Ben-Sheetrit, J., & Slone,
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61.Bachner-Melman, R., Slone, M., Lev-Ari, L., & Youngmann, R.
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62.Kahn, M., Schnabel, O., Gradisar, M., Rozen, G.S., Slone, M.,
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63.Slone, M., & Peer, A. (2021). Children’s reactions to war, armed
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64.Slone, M., Peer, A., & Mor, F. (2022). Previous trauma exposure
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65.Slone, M, & Peer, A. (2022). Media exposure to armed conflict:
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