פרופ' נעם למלשטריך לטר
הדיקן המייסד של בית הספר, ראש המרכז לחדשנות, יו"ר מכון אספר, יו"ר מכון דניאל פרל לעיתונות בינלאומית
אתר זה משתמש בקבצי Cookies לשיפור חווית הגלישה. המשך השימוש באתר או סגירת ההודעה מהווים הסכמה לתנאי השימוש.
Xהדיקן המייסד של בית הספר, ראש המרכז לחדשנות, יו"ר מכון אספר, יו"ר מכון דניאל פרל לעיתונות בינלאומית
"The Impact of Covid 19 on The Dispersion of Immersive Technologies and Human Behavior Research and Implementation" By J Giron and N Lemelshtrich Latar, in G Einav ed. "The New World of Transition Media", Springer International Publishing, Swiss, May 2022
"Israel: the importance of alternative media as a media accountability instrument" in The Global Handbook of Media Accountability, Noam Lemelshtrich Latar et al by Susanne Fengler, Tobias Eberwein,and Matthias Karmasin,Routledge International,2022
"Media Accountability in Israel" in "Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe and Beyond", Tobias Eberwein, Susanne Fengler, Routledge, Jan 2017
"Can Robot Journalists Replace Human Journalists In The Coverage of Wars?" in the "Visual Politics of Wars", Ibrahim Saleh and Thomas Knieper, ed, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Dec 2016
"The Human Journalist in the Age of Robotic Journalism", Forthcoming 2015
"The Robotic Journalist in The Age of Social Physics: The End of Human Journalism?" , in G Einav ed. "The New World of Transition Media", Springer International Publishing, Swiss, Jan 2015
"Media Accountability in Israel" in "Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe and Beyond", Forthcoming 2015
"The Legitimacy of Israel - Can Nation Branding Affect Change?", The Herzliya Conference, June 2014
Broadcast Media Enters The Digital Age: A Lifeline For Press Freedom In Israel, the Herzliya Conference, IDC institute for policy and strategy, March 2013, Lemelshtuch Latar. N & Karniel Yuval
What Should Advertising Be In The Year 2020, The wharton future of advertising project, Feb 2013, Wharton U.S.A
State New Diplomacy in Social Networks, Lemelshtrich Latar N; Asmolov G , Gekker A. New Diplomacy Joint Conference USC & Bar Ilan University , Bar Ilan feb 2011
Artificial Intelligence Digital Identities and the Freedom of the Press, Lemelshtrich Latar N& Nordfors D, in Kesher, Journal of Media And Communications History, Tel Aviv University, vol 41 p22, Winter 2011 ISSN 0792-0113 (Hebrew)
State Cyber Advocacy The Herzlyia Conference paper, IDC, Institute for Policy & Strategy, 2010. Lemelshtrich Latar, Noam and Asmolov, G. and Gekker, A.
Digital Identities and Journalism Content: How Artificial Intelligence and Journalism May Co-Develop and Why Society Should Care Innovation Journalism, Vol. 6, Num. 7, 2009. (Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism ) Lemelshtrich Latar, Noam and Nordfors, David.
Screen Feedback from Home Terminals In Talking Back: Citizen Feedback and Cable Technology, I. de Sole Pool eds., pp: -, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1973. Lemelshtrich Latar, Noam