פרופ' רון שחר
דיקן בית הספר לשעבר וראש המסלול למצטיינים
אתר זה משתמש בקבצי Cookies לשיפור חווית הגלישה. המשך השימוש באתר או סגירת ההודעה מהווים הסכמה לתנאי השימוש.
Xדיקן בית הספר לשעבר וראש המסלול למצטיינים
Roos, Jason, Carl Mela and Ron Shachar (2020) “The Effect of Links and Excerpts on Internet News Consumption,” Journal of Marketing Research, 57 (3), 395-421. (Lead article)
Appel, Gil, Shai Danziger, Ron Shachar and Yaniv Shani (2020) “When and Why Consumers “Accidentally” Endanger Their Products,” Management Science, 66 (12) 5757-5782.
Appel, Gil, Barak Libai, Eitan Muller and Ron Shachar (2020) “On the Monetization of Mobile Apps,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37 (1), 93-107. [Winner, 2020 Best Paper Award]
Cutright, Keisha, Tülin Erdem, Gavan J. Fitzsimons and Ron Shachar (2014) “Finding Brands and Losing Your Religion” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143 (6), 2209-2222.
Lovett, Mitch, Renana Peres and Ron Shachar (2014) “A dataset of brands and their characteristics” Marketing Science, 33 (4), 609-617.
Kuksov, Dmitri, Ron Shachar and Kangkang Wang (2013) “Advertising and Consumers' Communications,” Marketing Science, 32 (2), 294-309.
Lovett, Mitch, Renana Peres and Ron Shachar (2013) “On Brands and Word-of-Mouth,” Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (August), 427-444. (Lead article). [2018 O’Dell Award, Finalist]
Gordon, Brett, Mitchell Lovett, Ron Shachar, Kevin Arceneaux, Sridhar Moorthy, Michael Peress, Akshay Rao, Subrata Sen, David Soberman, Oleg Urminsky (2012) “Marketing and Politics: Models, Behavior, and Policy Implications,” Marketing Letters, 23 (2), 391-403.
Lovett, Mitchell and Ron Shachar (2011). “The Seeds of Negativity: Knowledge and Money,” Marketing Science, 30 (3), 430-446.
Anand, Bharat and Ron Shachar (2011) “Advertising, the Matchmaker,” RAND Journal of Economics, 42 (2), 205-245. (Lead article).
Shachar, Ron, Tulin Erdem, Keisha Cutright, and Gavan Fitzsimons (2011) “Brands: The Opiate of the Non-Religious Masses?” Marketing Science, 30 (1), 92-110.
Ron Shachar (2009) “The Political Participation Puzzle and Marketing” Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (6), 798-815.
Anand, Bharat and Ron Shachar (2009) “Targeted Advertising as a Signal,” Quantitative Marketing and Economic, 7 (3), 237-266. (Lead article).
Anand, Bharat and Ron Shachar (2007) “(Noisy) Communications,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 5 (3), 211-237. (Lead article).
Shachar, Ron and Zvi Eckstein (2007) “Correcting for Bias in Retrospective Data,” forthcoming, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22 (3), 657-675.
Byzalov, Dmitri and Ron Shachar (2004) “The Risk Reduction Role of Advertising,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2 (4), 283-320. (Lead article).
Anand, Bharat and Ron Shachar (2004) “Brands as Beacons: A New Source of Loyalty to Multiproduct Firms,” Journal of Marketing Research, 41 (2), 135-150. (Lead article).
Shachar, Ron and Barry Nalebuff (2004) “Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Comment,” American Economic Review, 94 (1), 382-390.
Shachar, Ron (2003) “Party Loyalty as Habit Formation,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18 (3), 251-269. (Lead article).
Gerber, Alan., Donald Green and Ron Shachar (2003) “Voting may be Habit Forming: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment,” American Journal of Political Science, 47 (3), 540-550.
Moshkin, Nickolay and Ron Shachar (2002) “The Asymmetric Information Model of State Dependence,” Marketing Science, 21 (4), 354-454.
“Risk Aversion and Apparently Persuasive Advertising,” Mimeo, June 2002. [Joint with Bharat Anand].
Goetttler, Ronald and Ron Shachar (2001) “Spatial Competition in the Network Television Industry,” RAND Journal of Economics, 32 (4), 624-656.
Shachar, Ron (2001). A Leader Made to Measure, Yedioth Acharonot Publisher, Tel Aviv.
Green, Donald and Ron Shachar (2000). “Consuetude in Voter Turnout,” The British Journal of Political Science, 30, 561-573.
Shachar, Ron and John Emerson (2000). “Cast Demographics, Unobserved Segments, and Heterogeneous Switching Costs in a TV Viewing Choice Model,” Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (2), 173-186.
“Switching Costs or Search Costs?” The Foerder Institute for Economic Research Working Paper No. 3-2000, January 2000. [Joint with Nickolay Moshkin].
Shachar, Ron and Barry Nalebuff (1999) “Follow the Leader: Theory and Evidence on Political Participation,” American Economic Review, 89 (3), 525-547.
Shachar, Ron and Bharat Anand (1998). “The Effectiveness and Targeting of Television Advertising,” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 7 (3), 363-396.
Shachar, Ron and Michal Shamir (1996). “Estimating Vote Persistence Sources Without Panel Data,” Political Analysis, 6, 107-124.
“How Old Should Seinfeld Be?” Yale School of Management Working Paper Series H, No. 4, December 1996. [Joint with John Emerson].
“On the Transition to Work of New Immigrants: Israel 1990-1992,” Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel, Discussion paper No. 95-04, 1995. [Joint with Zvi Eckstein].
Shachar, Ron (1994). “A Diagnostic Test for the Sources of Persistence in Individuals' Decisions,” Economics Letters, 45, 7-13.
Shachar, Ron and Michal Shamir (1994). “Modelling Victory in the 1992 Election,” in Asher Arian and Michal Shamir (eds.) The Elections in Israel - 1992. Albany: SUNY Press.
Shachar, Ron (1994). “The Political Economy of Capital Controls: Discussion,” in Leonardo Leiderman and Assaf Razin (eds) Capital mobility: The impact onconsumption, investment and growth, Cambridge; New York and Melbourne: Cambridge
Shachar, Ron (1993). “Forgetfulness and the Political Cycle,” Economics and Politics, 5, 15-26.
“A Dynamic Political Economy Model of Optimal Voting Decisions with an Application with Israeli Data,” Program for the Study of the Israeli Economy, M.I.T. Working Paper No. 11-90, 1990.
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