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מופקד קתדרת IDB לטכנולוגיות מידע והדיקן המייסד של בית ספר אפי ארזי למדעי המחשב
אתר זה משתמש בקבצי Cookies לשיפור חווית הגלישה. המשך השימוש באתר או סגירת ההודעה מהווים הסכמה לתנאי השימוש.
Xמופקד קתדרת IDB לטכנולוגיות מידע והדיקן המייסד של בית ספר אפי ארזי למדעי המחשב
Taming Complexity in Large Scale Systems Projects , SIGCSE 2012.
Virtual Machines: Abstraction and Implementation, Proceedings of ITiCSE 2009.
A Synthesis Course in Hardware Architecture, Compilers, and Software Engineering, with Noam Nisan and Michal Armoni, Proceedings SIGCSE 2009.
Sluggish Data Transport is Faster than ADSL, Annals of Improbable Research, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2005.
Standardized Frameworks for Distributed Learning, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, June 2001.
Neural Networks for Decision Support (invited article). Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Marcel Dekker Publishing: New York, 1997. With Roger Stein and Vasant Dhar.
Neural Networks for Decision Support: Problems and Opportunities. Decision Support Systems, 11(1), 1994. With Gad Ariav.
Toward a Logical/Physical Theory of Spreadsheet Modeling. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 13(1), 1994. With Thomas Isakowitz and Henry Lucas.
Reframing Decision Problems Using Graph-Grammars. Information Systems Research, 4(1), 1993. With Christopher Jones.
On the Use of the Dempster-Shafer Model in Information Indexing and Retrieval Applications. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 39(5), 1993. With Robert Hummel.
Multilayer Feedforward Networks With Non-Polynomial Activation Functions Can Approximate Any Continuous Function. Journal of Neural Networks, 6(3), 1993.
With Moshe Leshno, Vladimir Lin and Alan Pinkus.
An Experimental Comparison of Two Rule-Based Belief Languages. Information Systems Research, 4(4), 1993. With Yu-Ming Wang.
Prolog Meta-Interpreters for Rule-Based Reasoning Under Uncertainty. Decision Support Systems, 6(2), 1990. With Tim Finin.
Artificial Intelligence Dialects of the Bayesian Belief Revision Language. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 19(5), 1989. With Paul Kleindorfer.
Probabilistic Rule-Based Inference Systems: In: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Lemmer, J.F. and Kanal, L.N., (Eds.), North-Holland, 1988
TV program Hebrew, Smadar Peled, Arutz 2