בית ספר ברוך איבצ'ר לפסיכולוגיה
תחומי הוראה ומחקר
חקר המוח
פסיכולוגיה פיזיולוגית
I am a neurobiologist, an instructor of Psychology, a senior research fellow in the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory and the acting head of the International Program at Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, Reichman University.
I previously worked in psychoneuroimmunology studying how exposure to stress early in life alters the immune and nervous system interaction, and how individual differences predict vulnerability or resilience to these changes.
More recently, I have expanded my research scope to study human brain-behavior interaction.
Currently, I am focusing on human memory research, specifically on investigating the enhancement of early memory consolidation by neurofeedback and brain stimulation.
חדש מהבינתחומי: תרגול פשוט ישפר את שמירת הזיכרונות