Hayat, T., Dimitrova, D., & Wellman, B. (2021). The company you keep: How network disciplinary diversity enhances the productivity of researchers. American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642221127242.
Yarchi, M., Samuel-Azran, T., & Hayat, T. (2023). Perceived Versus Actual Ability to Identify Fake News: Evidence From Israel’s 2019–2020 Elections. International Journal of Communication.
Hayat, T., Samuel-Azran, T., Goldberg, S., & Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2023). Introversion-extraversion and online course satisfaction. Online Information Review.
Nakash, O., Arnon, S., Hayat, T., & Abu Kaf, S. (2022). Strength of social ties and perceived tangible support: distinct characteristics and gender differences of older adults’ social circles. Journal of Women & Aging, 1-12.
Samuel-Azran, T., Yarchi, M., & Hayat, T. (2022). Less critical and less informed: undecided voters’ media (dis) engagement during Israel’s April 2019 elections. Information, Communication & Society, 1-17.
Galily, Y., Samuel-Azran, T., & Hayat, T. (2022). Sport Fanship at the Age of the Pandemic: Preliminary Thoughts in Times of (Global) Change. American Behavioral Scientist.
Abu-Kaf, S., Nakash, O., Hayat, T., & Cohen, M. (2022). Social Support and Psychological Distress among the Bedouin Arab Elderly in Israel: The Moderating Role of Gender. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 4358.
Samuel-Azran, T., Hayat, T., & Galily, Y. (2022). Global Sport Protest Activism Is Exclusive to the Global Elite: A Case Study of# boycottqatar2022. American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642221118299.
Hayat, T., Galily, Y., & Samuel-Azran, T. (2022). The Twitter Following For the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Russian–Chinese Fans’ Alliance: A Social Network Analysis. American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642221118281.
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Hayat, T., Lesser, O., & Samuel-Azran, T. (2017). Gendered discourse patterns on online social networks:a social network analysis perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 132-159.
Hayat, T., Brainin, E., & Neter, E. (2017). With some help from my network: SupplementingeHealth literacy with social ties. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(3), e98.
Hayat, T, & Samuel-Azran, T, (2017). You too, Second Screeners? Second Screeners' Echo Chambers during the 2016 US Election Primaries. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media.
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Hayat, Z., & Lyons, K. (2013). Co-authorship networks and collaboration typologies: the case of CASCON. The 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. London, England.
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