פרופ' יואב יאיר
ראש החטיבה בניהול סיכוני האקלים
אתר זה משתמש בקבצי Cookies לשיפור חווית הגלישה. המשך השימוש באתר או סגירת ההודעה מהווים הסכמה לתנאי השימוש.
Xראש החטיבה בניהול סיכוני האקלים
University Books
Yair, Y. and B. Ziv, 1994:
An introduction to Meteorology. The Open University, Tel- Aviv, Israel, 411 pp.
(in Hebrew).
Yair Y., 1999: "The
Universe" a study guide to the course “Introduction to astronomy”, The
Open University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 180pp. (in Hebrew).
Yair Y. and I. Dothan, 2003:
"Topics in atmospheric chemistry", Study guide, the Open University
of Israel (in Hebrew).
Ziv, B. and Y. Yair, 2006:
Laboratory in Meteorology. The Open University, Tel- Aviv, Israel, 100 pp. (in
Yair Y., and O. Kovo, 2011:
"The Universe" a study guide to the course “Introduction to
astronomy” (Revised), The Open University, Ra'anana, Israel, 190pp. (in
Yair, Y. and B. Ziv, 2012:
An introduction to Meteorology, Units 1-4 (Updated and revised). The Open
University, Ra'anana, Israel, 316 pp. (in Hebrew).
Yair, Y. and B. Ziv, 2014:
An introduction to Meteorology, Units 5-7 (Updated and revised). The Open
University, Ra'anana, Israel, 264 pp. (in Hebrew).
Books (K-12)
Harel, Y., Y. Yair
and S. Meiri, 1997: In View of the Sky. A textbook in astronomy for 7-9 grade
students. Ramot University Press, Israel (in Hebrew).
Yair, Y., R. Mintz and S.
Litvak, 1997: “Touch the Sky, Touch the Universe”, K-12 Educational CD-ROM on
astronomy and space science. Published by the Center for Educational
Yair, Y., R. Klein, R.
Mintz, 1998: “Sea-Wind”, K-12 Educational CD-ROM on atmospheric sciences.
Published by the Center for Educational Technology.
Schur, Y., R. Brandt and Y.
Yair, 2002: "A thinking journey to Mars", Astronomy text-book for the
MUTAV program, Center for Educational Technology, 150 pp (in Hebrew).
Yair, Y., Segev, M. and B.
Savir, 2006: Journey through the Atmosphere: selected topics in weather and
climate. A textbook in geography for 7-9 grade students. Center for Educational
Technology, Israel, 108 pp (in Hebrew).
Chapters in
Williams, E. R. and Y. Yair, 2006: The
microphysical and electrical properties of sprite producing thunderclouds. In:
"Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning Discharges", M. Fullekrug et
al. (eds.), 57-83, Springer (Printed in the Netherlands).
Yair, Y.,
2010: eLearning in Israel: A case study of technology in distance education:
the Open University of Israel. In: Cases on challenges facing E-learning and
national development: Institutional Studies and Practices, U. Demirai,
Editor, Anadolu University, Turkey, Vol. I, chap. 13, 293-317.
H., Y. Yair and E. Tal-Elhasid, 2010: Institutional Implementation of
Wikis in higher education: the case of the Open University of Israel (OUI), p.
215-230, in: Veletsianos, G., editor: Emerging Technologies in Distance
Education, Athabasca University Press, Canada, ISBN 978-1-897425-76-
Yaniv, R., A.D. Devir, Y. Yair, C. Price, B.
Ziv and N. Reicher, 2009: Calibration of CCD cameras for sprites and
elves measurements, Amer. Inst. of Phys. Conf. Proc., vol. 1118, p. 92-98.
Fischer, G., D.
A. Gurnett and Y. Yair, 2011: Extraterrestrial lightning and its past
and future research. p. 19-38, In: Lightning: formation, properties and types,
edited by M. D. Wood, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN
Yair Y.,
2015: Thunderstorms, lightning and cosmic rays. In: Earth's climate response to
a changing sun. Coordinators: J. Lilensten, T. Dudok de Wit and K. Matthes. P.
293-296. DOI: 10.1051/978-2-7958-1733-7.c136. Published by EDP sciences,
France, 345 pp.
7. Yair, Y., 2017: The
Meditteranean basin in an era of climate change. In: Congreso
Internacional Laudato Si de Ecología Integral y Medio Ambiente; Murcia 2017; ISBN 978-84-16045-77-8; pages
920-932 (In print)
8. Yair, Y., 2018: E-Learning in Israel. In: Weber A. S, and S. Hamlaoui, Eds., E-learning
in the middle east and north Africa (MENA) region. Springer, 505 pp, Ch. 7,
9. Yair, Y., 2019: 2001: A Space Odyssey – Introduction.
In: 2001: A Space Odyssey, papers for celebrating 50 years for the film and
moon landing. Edited by Y. Ataria and G. Markovich. Pardes Publishing
House, ISBN: 978-1-61838-450-8; pages 21-36. (in Hebrew).
10. Yair, Y., 2019: We are not alone: contemplating a future
encounter with an alien civilization. In: 2001: A Space Odyssey, papers for
celebrating 50 years for the film and moon landing. Edited by Y. Ataria and
G. Markovich. Pardes Publishing House, ISBN: 978-1-61838-450-8; pages 199-214.
(in Hebrew).
Editor, Books
F. Leblanc, K.L.
Aplin, Y. Yair, R.G. Harrison, J.P. Lebreton and M. Blanc (Eds.)
Planetary Atmospheric Electricity,
Space Sciences Series of ISSI vol.30, 2008, 532pp.
T. D. de Wit, I.
Ermolli, M. Haberreiter, H. Kambezidis, M.M. Lam, J. Lilensten, K.
Matthes, I. Mirinova, H. Schmidt, A. Seppälä, E. Tanskanen, K. Tourpali and Y.
Yair (Eds.), Earth's climate response to a
changing sun. Published by EDP sciences, France, 2015, 345 pp.
Articles in
Refereed Journals
(* is
corresponding author)
Yair Y.
and Z. Levin, 1989: Charging of polydispersed aerosol particles by attachment
of atmospheric ions. Jour. Geophys. Res., 94, D11, 13,085-13,091.
Yair, Y., Z. Levin,
and S. Tzivion 1992: Water-cumulus in Jupiter’s atmosphere: Numerical
experiments with and axisymmetric cloud model. Icarus 98, 72–81. (3.2, 18)
Yair, Y. and Z. Levin, 1994: Intra-cloud and
cloud-to-ground lightning discharges in Israeli thunderstorms. Bull. Israeli.
Met. Soc., 3, 1,20-28 (in Hebrew). (2.9)
Yair, Y.,
Levin, Z. and S. Tzivion, 1995: Lightning generation in a Jovian thundercloud:
results from an axisymmetric numerical cloud model, Icarus, 114,
5. Yair, Y., Levin, Z. and S. Tzivion, 1995: Microphysical processes
and dynamics of a Jovian thundercloud. Icarus, 115, 421-434.
6. Levin, Z., Y. Yair and B. Ziv, 1996: Positive
cloud-to-ground flashes and wind shear in Tel-Aviv thunderstorms. Geophys.
Res. Lett., 23, 17, 2231-2234.
Yair, Y., Levin,
Z. and S. Tzivion, 1998: Model interpretation of Jovian lightning activity and
Galileo’s probe results. J. Geophys. Res., 103, D12, 14,157-14,166.
8. Yair, Y., Levin Z. and O. Altarazt, 1998:
Lightning phenomenology in the Tel-Aviv area from 1989 to 1996. J. Geophys.
Res., 103, D8, 9015-9025.
Altaratz, O.,
Levin Z. and Y. Yair, 1998: Positive ground flashes in Israel
thunderstorms. Bull. Isr. Met. Soc, Vol. 5, 1, 27-36.
Mintz, R., S.
Litvak and Yair, Y.*, 2001: 3D-Virtual Reality in Science Education:
Implication for Astronomy Teaching. Jour. Comp. Math. Sci. Educ., 20
(3), 293-305.
11. Altaratz, O., Levin Z. and Y. Yair, 2001: Winter thunderstorms in Israel – a study with
lightning location systems and weather radar. Month. Weath. Rev, 129, 5, 1259-1266.
Fullekrug, M.,
C. Price, Y. Yair and E. Williams, 2002: Intense oceanic lightning. Annal.
Geo., 20, 133-137.
Yair, Y.,
Schur, Y. and R. Mintz, 2003: A “Thinking Journey” to the Planets using
Scientific Visualization Technologies. Jour. Science Ed. Tech., 12 (1),
14. Yair, Y., C. Price, Z.
Levin, J. Joseph, P. Israelevitch, A. Devir, M. Moalem, B. Ziv and M. Asfur.
2003: Sprite observations from the space shuttle during the Mediterranean
Israeli Dust Experiment (MEIDEX). J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 65,
R. R., H.T. Su, A.B. Chen, L.C. Lee, M. Asfur, C. Price and Y.
Yair, 2003: Transient luminous events in the vicinity of
Taiwan. J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 65, 561-566.
Altaratz, O.,
Levin Z., Y. Yair and B. Ziv, 2003: Lightning Activity over Land and Sea
on the Eastern Coast of the Mediterranean. Month.
Weath. Rev., 131, 2060-2070.
Y. and Y.
Yair, 2004: “Everything Comes to an End”: an Intuitive Rule in
Physics and Mathematics. Science Education, 594-609, doi10.1002/sce10142.
18. Ziv, B., Y.
Yair, K. Pressman and M. Fullekrug, 2004: Verification of the Aviation
Center global forecasts of Mesoscale Convective Systems. Jour. App. Meteor.
Clim., 43, 720-726.
19. Israelevich, P.,
Yair, Y., Devir, A. D., Joseph, J. H., Levin, Z., Mayo, I., Moalem, M.,
Price, C. and A. Sternlieb, 2004: Transient airglow enhancement observed from
the space shuttle Columbia during the MEIDEX sprite campaign. Geophys. Res.
Lett., 31, L066124, doi:10.1029/2003GL019110.
Yair, Y., P. Israelevich, A. Devir, M. Moalem, C. Price, J. Joseph,
Z. Levin, B. Ziv and A. Teller, 2004: New sprites observations from the space
shuttle. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, No. D15, D15201/10.1029/2003JD004497.
Price, C., E. Greenberg, Y. Yair, G. Satori, J. Bor, H.
Fukunishi, M. Sato, P. L. Israelevich, M. Moalem, A. Devir, Z. Levin, J. H.
Joseph, I. Mayo, B. Ziv and A. Sternlieb, 2004: Ground-based detection of
TLE-producing intense lightning during the MEIDEX mission on board the space
shuttle Columbia. Geophys.
Res. Lett., 31,
L20107, doi:10.1029/2004GL020711.
Yair, Y., C. Price,
B. Ziv, P. L. Israelevich, D. D. Sentamn, F.T. Sao-Sabbas, A. Devir, M. Sato,
C. Rodger, M. Moalem, E. Greenberg and O. Yaron, 2005: Space Shuttle
observation of an unusual transient atmospheric emission. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L02081,
23. Gazit, H., Y. Yair and D. Chen, 2006: Emerging Conceptual Understanding of Complex Astronomical
Phenomena by Using a Virtual Solar System. Jour. Science Ed. Tech. 14,
5/6, 459-470, doi:10.1007/s10956-006-0221-3.
24. Yair, Y., 2006: Observations of Transient Luminous Events from Earth Orbit. IEEJ Transaction, Special Issue on Physics of Lightning and Related
Phenomena, Vol. 126, 4, 244-249.
25. Yair, Y., R. Aviv, G. Ravid, R. Yaniv, B. Ziv and C. Price,
2006: Evidence for synchronicity of lightning activity in networks of spatially
remote thunderstorms. Jour. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 68, 1401-1415.
26. Yang, H., Pasko, V.
and Y. Yair, 2006: Three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain
modeling of the Schumann resonance parameters on Titan, Venus and Mars.
Radio Sci., 41, RS2S03, doi:10.1029/2005RS003431.
27. Gazit, H., Y.Yair
and D. Chen, 2006: The gain and pain in taking
the pilot seat: Learning dynamics in virtual reality environments.
Virtual Reality, 10, 3-4, 10.1007/s10055-006-0053-3.
28. Price, C., Y.
Yair and M. Asfur, 2007: East African Lightning as a precursor of Atlantic hurricane
activity. Geophys.
Res. Lett., 34,
L09805, doi:10.1029/2006GL028884.
29. Ganot, M., Y. Yair*, C. Price, B. Ziv, Y. Sherez, E.
Greenberg, A. Devir and R. Yaniv, 2007: First detection of transient luminous
events associated with winter thunderstorms in the Eastern Mediterranean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L12801,
E., C. Price, Y. Yair, M. Ganot, J. Bor and G. Satori, 2007: ELF
transients associated with sprites and ELVES in eastern Mediterranean winter
thunderstorms. Jour. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 69,
31. Ziv, B., H.
Saaroni, Y. Yair, M. Ganot, H. Baarad and D. Isaschari, 2008:
Atmospheric factors governing winter thunderstorms in the coastal regions of
the eastern Mediterranean. Theor. Appl. Clim., 10.1007/s00704-008-0008-6.
32. Harrison, R. G.,
K. L. Aplin, F. Leblanc and Y. Yair, 2008: Planetary atmospheric
electricity. Space Sci. Rev., 137: 5–10, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9419-z.
Yair Y.,
2008: Charge generation and separation processes. Space Sci. Rev., 137: 119–131, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9348-x.
Yair Y.,
G. Fischer, F. Simoes, N. Renno and P. Zarka, 2008: Updated review of planetary
atmospheric electricity, Space Sci. Rev.,
137: 29–49, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9349-9.
Simões, F., M. Rycroft, N. Renno, Y. Yair, K.L.
Aplin and Y. Takahashi, 2008: Schumann resonances as a means of
investigating the electromagnetic environment in the solar system. Space Sci.
Rev., 137: 455–471, doi:
Yair, Y., 2008: A step further: opening books and educational
resources. ACM SIGCSE Bull., 40, 4, 22-23, doi: 10.1145/1473195.1473207
Takahashi, Y., J. Yoshida, Y. Yair, T. Imamura
and M. Nakamura, 2008: Lightning Detection by LAC Onboard the Japanese Venus
Climate Orbiter, Planet-C. Space Sci. Rev., 137: 317–334, doi:
38. Joseph, J. H.,
O. Yaron, E. Yaroslavich, P. Israelevich, I. Koren, Y. Yair, A. Devir,
and P. Kischa (2008), Determination of most probable height of desert dust
aerosol layer from space, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D20S93,
39. Yair, Y. Y., R. Aviv, and G. Ravid (2009),
Clustering and synchronization of lightning flashes in adjacent thunderstorm
cells from lightning location networks data, J. Geophys. Res., 114,
D09210, doi:10.1029/2008JD010738
Yair, Y.,
et al., (2009), Optical observations of transient luminous events associated
with winter thunderstorms near the coast of Israel. Atmospheric
Research, 91(2-4): p. 529-537.
Vadislavsky, E., Y. Yair*, C. Erlick, C.
Price, E. Greenberg, R. Yaniv, B. Ziv, N. Reicher and A. Devir (2009), Indication
for circular organization of column sprite elements associated with Eastern
Mediterranean winter thunderstorms. Jour.
Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 71, 17-18,
Price, C., M.
Asfur and Y. Yair (2009), Maximum hurricane intensity preceded by
increase in lightning frequency, Nature Geoscience, 2, 5, 329-332.
43. Yair , Y., Y. Takahashi, R. Yaniv, U. Ebert,
and Y. Goto (2009), A study of the possibility of sprites in the atmospheres of
other planets, J. Geophys. Res., 114, E09002, doi:10.1029/2008JE003311.
44. Ziv, B., H.
Saaroni, Y. Yair, M. Ganot, A. Baharad and D. Isasrachi (2009),
Atmospheric factors governing winter thunderstorms in the coastal region of the
eastern Mediterranean. Theor Appl Climatol., 95:301–310, doi:10.1007/s00704-008-0008-6.
Yair, Y., B. Lynn, C. Price, V. Kotroni,
K. Lagouvardos, E. Morin, A. Mugnai, and M. d. C. Llasat (2010), Predicting the
potential for lightning activity in Mediterranean storms based on the Weather
Research and Forecasting (WRF) model dynamic and microphysical fields, J.
Geophys. Res., 115, D04205, doi:10.1029/2008JD010868.
46. Lynn, B. and Yair, Y. (2010), Prediction of
lightning flash density with the WRF model, Adv. Geosci., 23, 11-16,
doi:10.5194/adgeo-23-11-2010. (1.075, 17)
47. Dubrovin , D., S. Nijdam, E. M. van Veldhuizen, U. Ebert, Y.
Yair*, and C. Price (2010), Sprite discharges on Venus and Jupiter‐like planets: A
laboratory investigation, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A00E34,
48. Altaratz, O., I.
Koren, Y. Yair, and C. Price (2010), Lightning response to smoke from
Amazonian fires, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07801,
49. Harats, N., Ziv, B., Yair, Y.,
Kotroni, V., and Dayan, U.: Lightning and rain dynamic indices as
predictors for flash floods events in the Mediterranean, Adv. Geosci., 23,
57-64, doi:10.5194/adgeo-23-57-2010, 2010.
50. Llasat, M. C., Llasat-Botija, M.,
Prat, M. A., Porcú, F., Price, C., Mugnai, A.,
Lagouvardos, K., Kotroni, V., Katsanos, D.,
Michaelides, S., Yair, Y., Savvidou, K., and
Nicolaides, K.(2010), High-impact floods and flash floods in Mediterranean
countries: the FLASH preliminary database, Adv. Geosci., 23, 47-55,
Rozalis, S., E.
Morin, Y. Yair* and C. Price (2010), Flash flood prediction using an
uncalibrated hydrological model and radar rainfall data in a Mediterranean
watershed under changing hydrological conditions. J. Hydrol.,
Mäkelä A., T. Kantola, Y. Yair and T. Raita
(2010), Observations of TLEs above the Baltic Sea on Oct 9 2009. Geophysica
(2010), 46(1–2), 79–90.
Price, C., Y. Yair, A. Mugnai, K. Lagouvardos,
M. C. Llasat, S. Michaelides, U. Dayan, S. Dietrich, F. Di Paola, E. Galanti,
L. Garrote, N. Harats, D. Katsanos, M. Kohn, V. Kotroni, M. Llasat-Botija, B.
Lynn, L. Mediero, E. Morin, K. Nicolaides, S. Rozalis, K. Savvidou, B. Ziv,
(2011). Using lightning data to better understand and predict flash floods in
the Mediterranean, Surveys in Geophysics, 32:733-751, DOI
Reuveni, Y., C. Price, Y. Yair and R. Yaniv
(2011), The connection between meteor showers and VLF atmospheric noise
signals. Jour. Atmos. Elec., 31(1), 23-36.
Shalev, S.,
Saaroni, H., Izsak, T., Yair*, Y. and Ziv, B. (2011): The spatiotemporal distribution of
lightning over Israel and the neighboring area and its relation to regional
synoptic systems, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 2125–2135,
Price C, Yair Y., Mugnai A., Lagouvardos K.,
Llasat M. C., Michaelides S., Dayan U., Dietrich S., Galanti E., Garrote L.,
Harats N., Katsanos D., Kohn M., Kotroni V., Llasat-Botija M., Lynn B., Mediero
L., Morin E., Nicolaides K., Rozalis S., Savvidou K., and Ziv B. (2011) The
FLASH Project: Using Lightning Data to Better Understand and Predict Flash
Floods, Environmental Science and Policy, 14, 898-911.
Yair, Y. (2012). New results on planetary lightning. Advances in
Space Research, 50, 3, 293-310.
Pasko, V. P.; Yair, Y., and Kuo, C.-L. (2012).
Lightning Related Transient Luminous Events at High Altitude in the Earth’s
Atmosphere: Phenomenology, Mechanisms and Effects. Space Science Reviews,
pp. 1-42, 0038-6308, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-011-9813-9.
Lynn, B., Y. Yair, C. Price, G. Kelman and A.
J. Clark (2012). Predicting Cloud-to-Ground and Intracloud Lightning in Weather
Forecast Models. Weather and Forecasting, 27, 1470-1488,
Simões, F., R.
Pfaff, M. Hamelin, J. Klenzing, H. Freudenreich, C. Béghin, J.-J. Berthelier,
K. Bromund, R. Grard, J.-. Lebreton, S. Martin, D. Rowland, D.Sentman, Y.
Takahashi and Y. Yair (2012). Using Schumann Resonance Measurements for
Constraining the Water Abundance on the Giant Planets - Implications for the
Solar System's Formation. Astrophysical Journal, 750, 1, 85.
doi:10.1088/0004- 637X/750/1/85.
Yair, Y.,
L. Rubanenko, K. Mezuman, G. Elhalel, M. Pariente, M.
Glickman-Pariente, B. Ziv, Y. Takahashi and T. Inoue (2013). New color images
of transient luminous events from the International Space Station. Jour.
Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 102, 140-147.
Formenton, M., Panegrossi, G., Casella, D., Dietrich, S.,
Mugnai, A., Sanò, P., Di Paola, F., Betz, H.-D.,
Price, C., and Yair, Y. (2013), Using a cloud electrification
model to study relationships between lightning activity and cloud microphysical
structure, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1085-1104, doi:10.5194/nhess-13-1085-2013.
Yair, Y.,
S. Shalev, Z. Erlich, A. Agrachov, E. Katz, H. Saaroni, C. Price and B. Ziv
(2014), Lightning flash multiplicity in eastern
Mediterranean winter thunderstorms. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 165-173, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-165-2014.
Dyudina, U., A.
P. Ingersoll, S. P. Ewald, C. P. Porco, G. Fischer and Y. Yair (2013),
Saturn's visible lightning, its radio emissions and the structure of the
2009-2011 lightning storms. Icarus, 226, 1, 1020-1037.
Elhalel, G., Y.
Yair*, C. Price, G. Harrison and K. Nicoll (2014), Influence of short term
solar disturbances on the fair weather conduction current. Space Weath. Spa.
Climate, 4, A26, doi:10.051/swsc/2014022. (2.5, 3)
Dubrovin, D.,
A. Luque, Y. Yair, F. J. Gordillo-Vasquez, U. Ebert and C. Price (2014), Impact of lightning on the lower ionosphere of Saturn and possible
generation of TLEs. Icarus, 241, 313-328, doi:
Yaniv, R., Y.
Yair*, C. Price, J. Bor, M. Sato, Y. Hobara, S. Cummer, J. Li and A. Devir
(2014). Ground-based observations of the relations between lightning
charge-moment-change and the physical and optical properties of column sprites.
Jour. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 107, 60-67. (
68. Yair, Y. (2014), Print vs. digital books
in distance education. ACM Inroads, vol. 5, 1,
28-29, doi: 10.1145/2568195.2568204.
Yair, Y.
(2014), Did you let a robot check my homework? ACM Inroads, vol. 5, 2, 33-35, doi: 10.1145/2614512.2614522.
Luque, A., D. Dubrovin,
F.J. Gordillo-Vazquez, U. Ebert, F. C. Parra-Rojas, Y. Yair and C.
Price (2014), Coupling between atmospheric layers in gaseous giant planets due
to lightning-generated electromagnetic pulses. Jour. Geophys. Res. Space
Physics, 119, 8705–8720.
71. Dubrovin, D., S.
Nijdam, T.T.J. Clevis, L.C.J. Heijmans, U. Ebert, Y. Yair* and C. Price (2015), Positive streamers
in air of varying density: experiments on the scaling of the excitation
density, Jour. Phys. D: Applied Physics, 48, 055205.
Price, C., N. Reicher and Y. Yair
(2015), Do West African
Thunderstorms Predict the Intensity of Atlantic Hurricanes? Geophys.
Res. Lett., doi:10.1002/2014GL062932.
Yair, Y. (2014), I saw you cheating. ACM Inroads,
vol. 5, 3, 36-37, doi: 10.1145/2655759.2655769.
Yair Y. (2014), Open Educational Resources: reasons
to be cheerful? ACM Inroads, vol. 5, 4, 40-41.
Yair, Y., C. Price, D. Katzenlson, N. Rosenthal, L.
Rubanenko, Y. Ben-Ami and E, Arnone (2015), Sprite climatology in the Eastern
Mediterranean region. Atmos. Res, 157, 108-118,
Ben-Ami, Y., O. Altaratz, Y. Yair and
I. Koren (2015), Lightning characteristics in Eastern
Mediterranean thunderstorms during different synoptic systems. Nat. Haz .
Earth Syst. Sci.,
15, 2449–2459, doi:10.5194/nhess-15-2449-2015. (2.1, -)
R. G., K. Nicole, Y. Takahashi and Y. Yair (2015), Focus on high energy particles and atmospheric processes.
Environ. Res. Lett.,10, 100201, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/10/100201.
Yaniv, Y., Y. Yair*,
C. Price and S. Katz (2016), Local and global impacts on the fair-weather
electric field in Israel. Atmos. Res.,172-173, 119-125. (3.817)
Ziv, B., N. Haratz, E. Morin, Y. Yair
and U. Dayan (2016), Can severe rain events over the
Mediterranean region be detected through simple numerical indices? Nat.
Haz., DOI 10.1007/s11069-016-2385-y.
Yair, Y., S. Katz, R. Yaniv, B. Ziv and C. Price (2016), An
electrified dust storm over the Negev desert, Israel. Atmos. Res., 181, 6-71. (3.817)
Yaniv, R., Y. Yair*, C.
Price, K. Nicoll, G. Harrison, A. Artamonov and I. Usoskin (2016), Balloon measurements of the vertical
ionization profile over southern Israel and comparison to mid-latitude
observations. Jour. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 149,
O., T. Neubert, A. Mogensen, Y. Yair, M. Stendel, R. Singh, and
D. Siingh (2017), Profuse activity of blue electrical
discharges at the tops of thunderstorms, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 1, doi:10.1002/2016GL071311.
Y., Y. Yair*, C. Price, H. Mkrtchyan and A. Reymers (2017),
Ground-based measurements of the vertical E-field in mountainous regions and
the “Austausch” effect. Atmos. Res.., 189, 127-133.
Reuveni, Y., Y. Yair, C. Price and G. Steinitz,
(2017), Ground level gamma-ray and
electric field enhancements during disturbed weather: combined signatures from
convective clouds, lightning and rain. Atmos. Res., 196, 142-150, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.06.012.
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רשימת מאמרים שעברו שיפוט
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