Lewis Akenji, Magnus
Bengtsson, Viivi Toivio, Michael Lettenmeier, Tina Fawcett, Yael Parag,
Yamina Saheb, Anna Coote, Joachim H. Spangenberg, Stuart Capstick, Tim Gore,
Luca Coscieme, Mathis Wackernagel, Dario Kenner (2021). 1.5-Degree
Lifestyles: Towards A Fair Consumption Space for All. Hot or Cool
Institute, Berlin.
Robison, R., Skjølsvold, T.
M., Lehne, J., Judson, E., Pechancová, V., Foulds, C., ...Parag, Y.,
& Wyckmans, A. (2020). 100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority
research questions for smart consumption in Horizon Europe. Energy-SHIFTS:
Cambridge, UK.
Fuso Nerini, F., Fawcett, T., Parag, Y. et al. Personal carbon allowances revisited. Nat Sustain 4, 1025–1031 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-021-00756-w
Zohar, T., Parag, Y., & Ayalon, O. (2021). Of agency, action, and influence: The middle-out mechanism for promoting a low-carbon energy transition. Energy Research & Social Science72, 101900.
Parag, Y. (2020). Which factors influence large households’ decision to join a time-of-use program? The interplay between demand flexibility, personal benefits and national benefits. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 110594.
Zohar, T., Parag, Y., & Ayalon, O. (2020). Strategizing demand management from the middle out: Harnessing middle actors to reduce peak electricity consumption. Energy Research & Social Science, 61, 101360.
Yannai Kranzler, Yael Parag and Nadav Davidovich
(2019). Public Health from the Middle-Out: A new Analytical Perspective. International
Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health: 16(24):4993
Parag Yael and Malcolm Ainspan (2019). Sustainable
Microgrids: Economic, environmental and social costs and benefits of microgrid
deployment. Energy for Sustainable Development 52:72-81.
Janda, Kathryn B, Yael Parag, Reindl Kathrina, Wade
Faye and Yann Blumer (2019). Making more of middles: advancing the
middle-out perspective in energy system transformation. ECEEE 2019
Summer Study Proceedings: 199-204
Adam Hirsch, Yael Parag & Josep Guerrero (2018)
Microgrids: A review of technologies, key drivers, and outstanding issues. Renewable
& Sustainable Energy Reviews 90:402-411
Parag Yael and Galit Butbul (2018) Flexiwatts
and seamless technology: Public perceptions of demand flexibility through smart
home technology. Energy Research & Social Science 39: 177-191
Parag Yael (2018) A nuclear power plant for Israel – what does the public know and think? Ecology and Environment April (Hebrew).
Parag Yael, Shai Zur and Nadav Raz (2017). Levels of consumers' agency and capacity as predictors for electricity demand reduction in the residential sector. Energy Efficiency 10(3): 597-611.
Michaels Lucy and Yael Parag (2016) Motivations
and barriers to integrating ‘prosuming’ services into the future decentralized
electricity grid: Findings from Israel. Energy Research & Social
Science 21: 70-83
Parag Yael and Benjamin Sovacool (2016) Electricity market design for the prosumer era. Nature Energy
Parag Yael (2015) Beyond energy efficiency: A
‘prosumer market’ as an integrated platform for consumer engagement with the
energy system. ECEEE 2015 Summer Study: 15-23
Hamilton, J., Mayne, R., Parag Y. and Bergman, N. (2015). Scaling up local carbon action: the role of partnerships, networks and policy. Carbon Management.
Fawcett, Tina and Yael Parag (2014) Radical thinking: personal carbon trading. Australian Environment Review 29(10):304.
Parag Yael and Kathryn B Janda (2014) More than filler: Middle actors and socio-technical change in the energy system from the “middle-out”. Energy Research & Social Science 3:102–112.
Parag Yael and Tina Fawcett (2014) Personal carbon trading: a review of research evidence and real-world experience of a radical idea. Energy and Emission Control Technologies 2: 23-32.
Yael Parag (2014) From Energy Security to the Security of Energy Services: Shortcomings of Traditional Supply-Oriented Approaches and the Contribution of a Socio-Technical and User-Oriented Perspectives. Science & Technology Studies.27(1).
Parag Yael, Jo Hamilton, Vicki White and Bernie Hogan (2013), Network approach for local and community governance of energy: the case of Oxfordshire. Energy Policy 62: 1064-1077.
Wade Joanne, Nick Eyre, Jo Hamilton and Yael Parag (2013) Local energy governance: communities and energy efficiency policy. ECEEE 2013 Summer Study – Rethink, Renew, Restart. Conference proceedings: 637-648.
Mayne Ruth, Jo Hamilton, Noam Bergman and Yael Parag (2013) Scaling up local energy action: the role of partnerships, networks and policy. ECEEE 2013 Summer Study – Rethink, Renew, Restart. Conference proceedings: 709-719.
Janda, Kathryn B. and Yael Parag (2013). Building expertise: a middle-out approach for reducing energy use. Building Research & Information 41(1). DOI 10.1080/09613218.2013.743396
Parag Yael, Stuart Capstick and Wouter Poortinga (2011) Attribute Framing: A Comparison between Three Policy Instruments for Personal Emissions Reduction. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 30, Issue 4.
Janda, Kathryn B. and Yael Parag (2011) A Middle-Out Approach for Improving Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings, Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society Conference proceedings (ECEEE), 1203-1212
Parag Yael and Deborah Strickland (2011) Personal Carbon Trading: A Radical Policy Option for Reducing Emissions from the Domestic Sector. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development Volume 53 Issue 1, 29
Parag, Y. and Eyre, N. (2010) Barriers to personal carbon trading in the policy arena. Climate Policy, 10(4): 353-368.
Fawcett, T. and Parag, Y. (2010) An introduction to personal carbon trading. Climate Policy, 10(4): 329-338.
Parag Y., and Darby, S. (2009) Consumer-supplier-government triangular relations: rethinking the UK policy path for carbon emissions reduction from the UK residential sector.Energy Policy, 37(10): 3984-3992.
Parag, Y. and Timmons Roberts, J. (2009) A battle against the bottles: building, claiming and regaining tap water trustworthiness. Society and Natural Resources, 22(7): 625-636.
Parag, Y. (2008) Cross policy learning: drawing lessons for Personal Carbon Trading (PCT) policy from food labelling schemes. In, Proceedings of the 13th Annual APPAM Conference, Los Angeles, California.
Parag Yael (2008) Who governs the air we breathe? Lessons from Israel’s Industrialist Covenant. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Vol. 10 (2), p.133.
Parag, Y. (2006) A system perspective for policy analysis and understanding: the policy process networks. The Systemist, 28(2): 212-224.
Weinthal, E., Parag, Y., Vengosh, A., Muti, A. and Kloppmann, W. (2005) The EU Drinking Water Directive: The boron standard and scientific uncertainty. European Environment, 15(1): 1-12.
Weinthal, E. and Parag, Y. (2003) Two steps forward, one step backward: Israel's implementation of the Barcelona Convention and Mediterranean Action Plan. Global Environmental Politics, 3(1): 51-71.
Book Review
Parag Yael (2010). Book review: Sandalow. D. B., (ed.). Plug in electric vehicles: What role for Washington? Transport Reviews 30(6):806
Book Chapters
Parag Yael and Tamar Opher (2011). Article on Bottled Water, for the Water and Health" section of the UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS).
Parag Yael and Deborah Strickland (2010). Personal Carbon Budgets: Helping individuals to live in a carbon constrained world . In Ehrhardt-Martinez, K. and Skip Laitner (eds.) People-Centered Initiatives for Increasing Energy Savings. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
Parag Yael (2014) Urban Sustainability: an expert report on sustainable urban energy production and consumption (Hebrew).
Barrett, M., Bradshaw, M., Froggatt, A., Mitchell, C., Parag, Y., Stirling, A., Watson, J. and Winzer, C., (2010) Energy Security in a Multi-Polar World: Discussion paper.
Parag Yael and Deborah Strickland (2009) Framing effect and behaviour: Personal carbon allowances versus taxation. UKERC Research Report, Demand Reduction Theme.
Parag, Yael and Strickland, D. (2009) Personal Carbon Budgeting: What people need to know, learn and have in order to manage and live within a carbon budget, and the policies that could support them. UKERC Research Report, Demand Reduction Theme.
Parag Yael, Erika Weinthal and Avner Vengosh (2004) Implementing the Boron Standard in Drinking Water in the Mediterranean Region. Report Submitted to the European Union Fifth Framework Program.
Weinthal Erika, Yael Parag, Avner Vengosh, and Wolfram Kloppmann (2004) Methodological guide for decision support on remediation and sustainable management of boron contaminated groundwater. Report Submitted to the European Union Fifth Framework Program.