יניב רוזנאי, ביקורת חוקתית: התפתחות, דגמים והצעה לעיגון הביקורת השיפוטית בישראל (המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה, מחקר מדיניות 154, 2021).
Yaniv Roznai, ‘The Sovereign is He Who Holds
Constituent Power?’, 23(3) Ethics & Politics (2021), 247-260.
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Unrevolutionary Revolution?’, 7(1) Constitutional
Studies (2021), 63-76
יניב רוזנאי 'וולדרון בירושלים' פורום עיוני משפט מד (תשפ"א)
עמיחי כהן ויניב רוזנאי 'פופוליזם והדמוקרטיה החוקתית בישראל' עיוני משפט מד 170-87 (2021)
Richard Albert & Yaniv Roznai, ‘Emergency
Unamendability: Limitations on Constitutional Amendment in Extreme Conditions’,
81(1) Maryland Law Review (2021), 243-256.
יניב רוזנאי 'משפט על-לאומי, גלובליזציה והסמכות המכוננת - ראשית עיון ומגמות השוואתיות' משפט וממשל כב 49-91 (תשפ"א)
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Introduction: Original
Constitutionalist: Reconstructing Richard Kay’s Scholarship’, 52(5) Connecticut
Law Review (2021), 1301-1312.
Yaniv Roznai, ‘The Boundaries of Constituent Authority’, 52(5) Connecticut Law Review (2021), 1381-1408
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Introduction: Constitutional Courts in
a 100-Years Perspective and a Proposal for a Hybrid Model of Judicial Review’, 14(4)
ICL - Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law (2020-2021),
Nicola Tommasini, Pedro Riccetto, & Yaniv Roznai, ‘When
Backlashes and Overrides Do Not Scare: The Power to Review Constitutional
Amendments and the Case of Brazil’s Supreme Court’, 8(1/2) International
Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies (2021), 80-96.
Yaniv Roznai, 'Who will Save the Redheads? Towards an Anti-Bully Theory of Judicial Review and Protection of Democracy', 29(2) William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal (2020), 327.
Yaniv Roznai, ‘The Straw
that Broke the Constitution’s Back? Qualitative Quantity in Judicial Review of
Constitutional Amendments’, in Constitutionalism: Old Dilemmas, New
Insights (Alejandro Linares-Cantillo, Camilo Valdivies-Leon and Santiago
Garcia-Jaramillo eds., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2021).
Gary J. Jacobsohn and Yaniv Roznai, Constitutional
Revolution (Yale University Press, 2020)
Richard Albert and Yaniv Roznai (eds.), Constitutionalism
under Extreme Conditions: Law, Emergency, and Exception (Springer, 2020)
Sofia Ranchordás and Yaniv Roznai (eds.), Time, Law,
and Change: An Interdisciplinary Study (Hart Publishing, 2020)
Yaniv Roznai, Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments – The Limits of Amendment Powers (Oxford University Press, 2017 / paperback 2019).
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Legislated Rights, Democratic Erosion and
the Rise of Executive Power’, 21(1) Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies (2020),
Yaniv Roznai & Tamar Hostovsky Brandes, ‘Democratic
Erosion, Populist Constitutionalism, and the Unconstitutional Constitutional
Amendments Doctrine’, 14(1) Law & Ethics of Human Rights (2020),
Yaniv Roznai,
‘Constitutional Amendability and Unamendability in Southeast Asia’, 14(1) The Journal of Comparative Law (2019), 188-204.
Lech Garlicki and Yaniv Roznai, ‘Introduction:
Constitutional Unamendability in Europe’, 21(3) European Journal of Law Reform (2019), 217-225.
Suzie Navot and Yaniv
Roznai, ‘From Supra-Constitutional Principles to the Misuse of Constituent
Power in Israel’, 21(3) European Journal of Law Reform (2019), 403-423.
Landau, Rosalind Dixon & Yaniv Roznai, ‘From an Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment to
an Unconstitutional Constitution? Lessons from Honduras’, 8(1) Global Constitutionalism (2019),
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Constitutional
Unamendability in Latin America Gone Wrong?’, in Constitutional Change and
Transformation in Latin America (Richard Albert, Justice Carlos Bernal, and
Juliano Zaiden Benvindo eds., Hart Publishing, 2019), 93-115.
David Landau, Yaniv Roznai & Rosalind Dixon, ‘Term
Limits and the Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment Doctrine: Lessons from
Latin America’ in Politics of Presidential Term Limits (Alexander Baturo
and Robert Elgie eds., Oxford University Press, 2019), 53-73.
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Constitutional
Paternalism: The Israeli Supreme Court as Guardian of the Knesset’, 51(4) Verfassung und Recht in Übersee (2018-2019)
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Constitutional Unamendability in
Israel: Remarks Following Professors Baxi, Hoque and Singh’, Indian Journal
of Constitutional & Administrative Law (2018), 33-48.
עמרי בן-צבי ויניב רוזנאי "המחוקק הכל יכול? על הגבולות הקונספטואליים של החקיקה" חוקים יא 87-123 (2018)
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Internally
Imposed Constitutions’, in The Law and Legitimacy of Imposed Constitutions (Xenophon Contiades, Alkmene Fotiadou and Richard
Albert eds., Routledge, 2019), 58-81.
Yaniv Roznai,
‘Unconstitutional Constitutional Change by Courts’, 51(3) New England Law
Review 555-577 (2018).
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Constitutional
Unamendability – Four Observations’, 12(3) ICL - Vienna Journal on
International Constitutional Law 369-385 (2018).
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Constitutions,
rigid(entrenched)/flexible’, in Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Comparative
Constitutional Law (Rüdiger Wolfrum, Frauke Lachenmann, and Rainer Grote
eds., Oxford University Press, 2018)
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Israel – A
Crisis of Liberal Democracy?’, in Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? 355-376
(Mark A. Graber, Sanford Levinson and Mark Tushnet eds., Oxford University
Press, 2018).
Richard Albert and Yaniv
Roznai, ‘Religion, Secularism and Limitations on Constitutional
Amendment’, in Research Handbook on Law
and Religion 154–177 (Rex T. Ahdar ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018).
Yaniv Roznai and Letícia
Regina Camargo Kreuz, ‘Conventionality Control and Amendment 95/2016 - A
Brazilian case of unconstitutional constitutional amendment’, 5(2) Revista
de Investigaciones Constitucionales/Journal of Constitutional Research 35-56 (2018).
Yaniv Roznai and Liana Volach,
‘Law Reform in Israel’, 6(2) The Theory and Practice of Legislation 291-320
Yaniv Roznai, ‘The Newest-Oldest Separation of
Powers’, 14(2) European Constitutional Law Review 430-441 (2018) (A
Review Essay).
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Necrocracy or
Democracy? Assessing Objections to Constitutional Unamendability’, in An
Unconstitutional Constitution? Unamendability in Constitutional Democracies 29-61 (Richard Albert and Bertil Emrah Oder eds., Springer, 2018).
Justice Uzi Vogelman, Yaniv Roznai, Ron
Goldstein, Maya Gazit and Michael Herscovici, ‘Israel’, in 2017
Global Review of Constitutional Law 151-155 (Richard Albert, David Landau, Pietro Faraguna and Simon
Drugda eds., I·CONnect-Clough Center, 2018).
Yaniv Roznai, ‘Interview – Constitutional
Amendability and the Basic Structure Doctrine’, 2 The Indian Journal of
Constitutional & Administrative Law 83-89 (2018).
Yaniv Roznai, Constitutional Amendment and “Fundamendment”: A Response to Professor Richard Albert, Yale Journal of
International Law Forum (February 27, 2018).
Amnon Rubinstein and Yaniv
Roznai, The Right to a Genuine Electoral Democracy, 27(1) Minnesota
Journal of International Law 143-178 (2018).
Nadiv Mordechay and Yaniv
Roznai, A Jewish and (Declining) Democratic State? Constitutional
Retrogression in Israel, 77(1) Maryland Law Review 101-127 (2017).
יניב רוזנאי ונדיב מרדכי, "על נגישותה של החקיקה" משפט וממשל י"ט (תשע"ח)
Uzi Vogelman, Nadiv Mordechay, Yaniv Roznai, and Tehilla
Schwartz, Developments in Israeli Constitutional Law, in 2016 Global Review of
Constitutional Law 105-109 (I·CONnect-Clough Center, 2017)
Yaniv Roznai, Negotiating the Eternal: The Paradox of
Entrenching Secularism in Constitutions, 2017(2) Michigan State Law Review
253-331 (2017).
Yaniv Roznai, Towards A Theory of Constitutional
Unamendability: On the Nature and Scope of the Constitutional Amendment Powers,
18 Jus Politicum – Revue de Droit Politique 5-37 (2017)
Roznai, ‘We the People’, ‘Oui, the People’ and the Collective Body: Perceptions
of Constituent Power, in Comparative Constitutional theory (Gary Jacobsohn and
Miguel Schor eds., Edward Elger, forthcoming 2017).
Kurze and Yaniv Roznai, Crafting Peace in Tunisia: Law, Protest &
The National Dialogue Quartet, 8 Tel Aviv University Journal
of Law & Social Change (Ma’asei Mishpat) 51-64 (2017)
Roznai, Constituent Powers, Amendment Powers and Popular Sovereignty: Linking
Unamendability and Amendment Procedures, in The Foundations and Traditions of
Constitutional Amendment 23-49 (Richard Albert, Xenophon Contiades and Alkmene
Fotiado eds., Hart Publishing, 2017)
Book Review: Sofia Ranchordás, Constitutional Sunsets and Experimental Legislation, Edward Elgar 2014, 64 American Journal of Comparative Law 790-794 ( 2016).
יניב רוזנאי והלל סומר, "אם כל הזכויות": הזכות החוקתית לחיים, משפט ועסקים יט 537-626 (תשע"ו, 2016)
Yaniv Roznai, Unamendability and The Genetic Code of The Constitution, 27(2) European Review of Public Law (ERPL/REDP) 775-825 (summer/été 2015).
Yaniv Roznai and Nadiv Mordechai, Access to Justice 2.0: Access to Legislation and Beyond, 3(3) The Theory and Practice of Legislation 333-369 (2015).
Yaniv Roznai and Silvia Suteu, The Eternal Territory? The Crimean Crisis and Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity as an Unamendable Constitutional Principle, 16(3) German Law Journal 542-580 (2015).
יניב רוזנאי וקארין פאר פרידמן, עריכת דין מהפכנית, המשפט כ 303-344 (תשע"ה)
Yaniv Roznai ‘A Bird is Known by its Feathers’ – On The Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation, 2(2) The Theory and Practice of Legislation 145-169 (2014).
Yaniv Roznai, Legisprudence Limitations on Constitutional Amendments? Reflections on the Czech Constitutional Court’s Declaration of Unconstitutional Constitutional Act, 8(1) Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law (ICL) 29-57 (2014).
Yaniv Roznai, The Insecurity of Human Security, 32(1) Wisconsin International Law Journal 95-141 (2014).
יניב רוזנאי, ביטחון אנושי: מקסם שווא או שינוי פרדיגמטי ממשי בשיח הבין-לאומי, קרית המשפט י 213-263 (התשע"ד)
Yaniv Roznai and Ido Tzang, The United Nations Human Rights Council and Israel: ‘Sour Old Wine in a New Bottle’?, 5 Human Rights & Globalization Law Review 25-55 (2013-2014).
Yaniv Roznai, Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments – The Migration and Success of a Constitutional Idea, 61(3) American Journal of Comparative Law (AJCL) 657-719 (2013).
Yaniv Roznai, The Theory and Practice of ‘Supra-Constitutional’ Limits on Constitutional Amendments, 62(3) International & Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) 557-597 (2013).
Revolutionary Lawyering? On Lawyers’ Social Responsibility and Roles during a Democratic Revolution, 22(2) Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 353-384 (2013).
יניב רוזנאי, לפצח את הגרעין – גם בשדה המשפט: מתקפה ישראלית על מתקני הגרעין האיראניים בראי המשפט הבין-לאומי, שערי משפט ו 221-292 (תשע"ג)
Yaniv Roznai, Book Review: C. Harvey and A. Schwartz (eds.) Rights in Divided Societies, Hart Publishing, 2012, Public Law 153-157 (Sep. 2013).
יניב רוזנאי, חוק "רוצה להיות חופשי": פרסום חקיקה בעידן האינטרנט, הפרקליט נב 235-308 (תשע"ג)
Yaniv Roznai, Book Review: Alona Hagay-Frey, Sex and Gender Crimes in the New International Law, Martinus Nijhoff, 2011, 2 International Human Rights Law Review 193-199 (2013).
יניב רוזנאי, חוקי-היסוד בדבר זכויות האדם והליך החקיקה בכנסת – נאה דורש ונאה מקיים?, משפט ואדם – משפט ועסקים יד 199-259 (תשע"ב, 2012).
Yaniv Roznai, The Migration of the Indian Basic Structure Doctrine, in Judicial Activism in India - A Festschrift in Honour of Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer 240-262 (Malik Lokendra ed., Universal Law Publishing Co., 2012).
יניב רוזנאי, כשהמחוקק אומר "דג" – למה הוא מתכוון? על חשיבותן של ההגדרות בחקיקה עיונים בשפה וחברה 5(1-2) 106-127 (2012).
Yaniv Roznai and Serkan Yolcu, An Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment - The Turkish Perspective: A Comment on the Turkish Constitutional Court’s Headscarf Decision, 10(1) International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-Con) 175-207 (2012).
Yaniv Roznai, Book Review: Dawn Oliver, Carlo Fusaro eds., How Constitutions Change: A Comparative Study, Hart Publishing, 2011, 75(5) The Modern Law Review 945-950 (2012).
Amnon Rubinstein and Yaniv Roznai, Human Shields in Modern Armed Conflicts: The Need for a Proportionate Proportionality, 22(1) Stanford Law & Policy Review 93-127 (2011).
Yaniv Roznai, Book Review: Zachary Elkins, Tom Ginsburg and James Melton, The Endurance of National Constitutions, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 74(4) The Modern Law Review 647-651 (2011).
Yaniv Roznai, Let the Caroline Sink! Assessing the Legality of a Possible Israeli Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities and Why the Traditional Self-Defense Formula Is Incompatible with the Nuclear Age, 18(2) The California International Law Journal 18-34 (2010).
יניב רוזנאי, רטרואקטיביות – יותר מאשר "רק עניין של זמן"! מחשבות על ניתוח חקיקה רטרואקטיבית בעקבות בג"ץ גניס, משפט ועסקים ט 395-458 (התשס"ח, 2008).